Faculty Scholarship 2015

Academic Affairs

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Marianne Gustafson

Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2015 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Gustafson, Marianne, Larry Scott, and Ronald Kelly. "Changes in Self-Ratings on L/CBQ." Scholarship Symposium. NTID/RIT. Rochester, NY. 28 May 2015. Conference Presentation. ˜

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Geoff Poor

Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2015 Submissions

Published Game, Application or Software

Poor, G., C. Oulette, and Mascioletti. STEM Signs Dictionary: Lab Sciences. Software. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, DeafTEC. 2015. ≠

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Kathryn Schmitz

Associate Professor
Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2015 Submissions

Published Review

Schmitz, Kathryn L. "New Framework for Research Efforts." Rev. of Deaf Students and the Qualitative Similarity Hypothesis: Understanding Language and Literacy Development, by Peter V. Paul, Ye Wang, and Cheri Williams. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Dec. 2015: 1. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Berent, Gerald, Ronald Kelly, and Kathryn Schmitz. "Deaf Students Acquisition of Diverse Lexical Properties of English Verbs: New Guidance for English Teaching, Learning, and Assessment." Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf. Ed. Deaf Studies Unit, University of Patras. Athens, Greece: n.p., 2015. Web. *

Uninvited Presentations

Berent, Gerald, Ronald Kelly, and Kathryn Schmitz. "Investigating Deaf College Students Knowledge of English Verb Properties." 2015 NTID Scholarship Symposium. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, New York. 28 May 2015. Poster Session.

Kelly, Ronald R., Kathryn L. Schmitz, and Gerald Berent. "Deaf and Hearing Second Language Learner Parallels in the Acquisition of English Verbs Exhibiting Dative, Benefactive, and Locative Alternations." American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. American Association for Applied Linguistics. Toronto, Canada. 22 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. * £

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