Study Skills

The Study Process is a systematic method of study that engages you in an active, meaningful approach to learning. The process helps you understand what studying truly involves by identifying what to study, how to study, and when to study.

In-Person Services

Academic Coaching

The team of Peer Mentors and professional staff are available to support with general study strategies, project management, organization, test preparation, and/or time management. Academic Coaching sessions provide practical tools and strategies, along with increased awareness of helpful campus resources.
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Success Courses

Support your learning by improving your study strategies, habits, and awareness. These zero-credit courses allow you to practice and develop your time management skills, study skills, and academic organization all with the support and feedback of an instructor.
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Tutors are available for math and physics help at Bates and Sol Study Centers or online.
Tutoring schedule

Math Assessment

Meet one-on-one with one of our staff content experts and complete a diagnostic exam. The results are used to determine your strengths and weaknesses so we can help develop a course of action. Some recommendations may include utilizing our study centers, math handouts and or enrollment in one of our courses.
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