Fall event review: Diwali Celebration | Fall-Winter 2021
Fall event review: Diwali Celebration
The Diwali Celebration was held on November 5th. The purpose of the session was for women faculty to join AdvanceRIT’s first event to celebrate the diversity of our faculty; Diwali. Diwali is a Festival of Lights. It is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. It is one of the major festivals celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs, and others. The event included traditional food and activities. 22 faculty members and staff attended with participants from Academic Affairs, CAD, CET, COS, GCCIS, GIS, KGCOE, NTID, SCB, and SOIS. Of these participants, 20 were tenure track. All of the participants who filled out the survey either strongly agreed or agreed that the session was a valuable use of their time and helped them grow their network at RIT. When asked what the most useful aspect of the session was, one participant said, “meeting other faculty members and understanding their culture.”