Past Class Notes

Submission Date:
First Name: Collette
Last Name: Fournier
Class Year: 1979
Bepoase, Ghana The community trods to the Village Center where the installation of an African American Queen Mother will take place in a four hour program known as a Durbar. From the “Queen Mother of Progress” Series.
Note: Collette Fournier '79 (GAP) is currently working on a book of her journey into photography. She is actively photographing and lecturing with her "Retrospective: Spirit of A People" to colleges, libraries and diversity communities.
Submission Date:
First Name: Alexandra
Last Name: Rebeck
Class Year: 2014
Alexandra baked Captain America themed cookies to celebrate a wrap on Falcon!
Note: Alexandra Rebek '14 (CIAS) and her VFX production team was recently nominated for an Emmy for their work on Falcon and the Winter Soldier. After wrapping on Falcon, a large group flew out to Budapest where they have been living and working together on their next Marvel project. She is hoping everyone will enjoy their next show just as much!
Submission Date:
First Name: David
Last Name: Jones
Class Year: 1967
Note: David Jones '67 (SCB) recently retired as the President and CEO of the George and Barbara Bush Foundation at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library.
Submission Date:
First Name: Brian
Last Name: Palamar
Class Year: 2017
Note: Brian Palamar '17 (COLA) was admitted to the New York State Bar on February 26, 2021 and is now a licensed attorney.
Submission Date:
First Name: Zachary
Last Name: White
Class Year: 2017
Standing on the summit of Denali, North America's highest point (20,310')
Note: Zachary White '17 (SCB) spent two weeks during June 2021 climbing to the top of North America on Denali (20,310') in Alaska. His team summited after enduring -30 degree temperatures, high winds and icy conditions. The expedition was postponed one full year after COVID cancelled the climbing season in 2020. His team came back stronger and more ready than ever! Next year he plans to climb Mount Everest in Nepal. Follow his journey on Instagram: @Zachoneverest