Past Class Notes

Submission Date:
First Name: Bradley
Last Name: Blankenship
Class Year: 2010, 2011
"In Lost Dreams the Four Were Bound" - Paperback Book Cover
Note: Bradley R. Blankenship '09 (GCCIS) MS '11 (GCCIS) self-published his first book through Amazon KDP and IngramSpark in September of 2020. The book is the first in the Genean Chronicles series and his larger Remi's Cross Saga mythos. Book details pulled from . "Turn of the screw terror meets abominable horror in this dark sci-fi fantasy tale circling four pasts filled with lust, violence, and longing. 'In Lost Dreams the Four Were Bound' marks the first entry into a universe of sword and sorcery action within a cruel sci-fi world."

Submission Date:
First Name: Frank
Last Name: Bonsignore
Class Year: 1981
Frank cover of Uncle Frank's Guide To Joining the Workforce
Note: Frank Bonsignore MS '81 (COS) has written and published his first book, "Uncle Frank's Guide To Joining the Workforce." Uncle Frank is your kind, understanding, wise, level-headed uncle, who wants to help you discover, prepare for, and thrive at your job. He begins at the ground level, spares no topic from exploration, and with honesty and humor leads you through the necessary steps to become a solid, functioning, independent taxpayer in our society’s world of work. He also shares the more-than-a-few mistakes he’s made in his career to help you avoid bumps in the road. With a successful industrial career of over twenty-five years, several more as a community college adjunct instructor, and a direct but gentle approach, Uncle Frank offers his advice to help you compile the personal and professional qualities essential to enter – or reenter – the workplace. Available on Amazon.
Submission Date:
First Name: Tom
Last Name: HUBERT
Class Year: 80
Tom Hubert At Hoyt Museum solo exhibition
Note: Tom Hubert '81 MFA (FAA) retired June 2020 after a 40-year career as Professor of Art at Mercyhurst University in Erie, P.A. Tom's four children all graduated from Mercyhurst University and have successful careers. Tom and his wife, Maureen, also have 4 grandchildren. Tom looks forward to continued production in his ceramic studio. His website is
Submission Date:
First Name: Kenneth
Last Name: Kuzia
Class Year: 1980
One of Ken's more recently edited and illustrated efforts
Note: Ken Kuzia '80 (CCE) just finished editing and illustrating the fifth and sixth books for his author and friend, Rand Gee. The books include short stories, humorous quips and anecdotes, and, most recently, a series of books documenting the coal mining regions around Pittsford, PA in the 1800s and early 1900s. Previously, Ken edited and illustrated a book by his mother, Dorothy Dupere-Kuzia, about her story growing up in the upper peninsula of Michigan and the trials she endured. Among other accomplishments, Ken has researched his family tree back to his seventh great-grandfathers in the early 1600s. His database for his genealogical information includes more than 1,300 names of related individuals, and a printed version of his family tree fills 156 pages.
Submission Date:
First Name: Charles
Last Name: Holden
Class Year: 65,69
C&P 8X12
Note: Charles Holden '68 (GAP) writes: Located in Wilmington, NC I have started a letterpress and book studio. I teach classes in typography, letterpress printing, bookbinding and papermaking. Classes are small, but there is also open studio/lab time for students to continue using skills learned for for in-depth work. Visit the site at