Frank Selvaggi Headshot

Tiger Heritage Alumni Spotlight

Pride Month, 2022

Frank Selvaggi

AAS ’79, BS ’81

Why did you choose to attend RIT?

Only good school that accepted me.

What about college were you least prepared for?

There was not anything that I was not prepared for. I was ready to be on my own and apply myself (and ready to “party”). There was not anything that came as a surprise to me.

What were your favorite classes and why?

Statistic classes were my favorite. I was able to test my mathematical skills which I didn't know I had.

What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out of their experience at RIT?

Enjoy every possible moment as you can.

What advice would you have for your 18-24-year-old self?

Don't sweat the small stuff.

What significance does Pride Month hold for you?

It's a time that we can be proud of who we are and honor the people and the movement that gotten us to where we are today.

Who/what inspired you to live your authentic self?

My closest friends at RIT who knew I was gay before I did.

What advice to those who are not ready to come out?

Do it when you are comfortable, but it is not as scary as you think it will be.

What would you like everyone to know about the LGBTQ culture/community?

We are unique and wonderful. We are a mirror of what society is.

Fun Fact about yourself?

There are many, but the majority are unprintable.


Tiger Heritage Alumni Spotlight

Pride Month, 2022

Frank Selvaggi

AAS ’79, BS ’81

Why did you choose to attend RIT?

Only good school that accepted me.

What about college were you least prepared for?

There was not anything that I was not prepared for. I was ready to be on my own and apply myself (and ready to “party”). There was not anything that came as a surprise to me.

What were your favorite classes and why?

Statistic classes were my favorite. I was able to test my mathematical skills which I didn't know I had.

What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out of their experience at RIT?

Enjoy every possible moment as you can.

What advice would you have for your 18-24-year-old self?

Don't sweat the small stuff.

What significance does Pride Month hold for you?

It's a time that we can be proud of who we are and honor the people and the movement that gotten us to where we are today.

Who/what inspired you to live your authentic self?

My closest friends at RIT who knew I was gay before I did.

What advice to those who are not ready to come out?

Do it when you are comfortable, but it is not as scary as you think it will be.

What would you like everyone to know about the LGBTQ culture/community?

We are unique and wonderful. We are a mirror of what society is.

Fun Fact about yourself?

There are many, but the majority are unprintable.