RIT Archives Donation Form

A red asterisk (*) means it is required to submit the form.

Are the items digital or physical?
What are the materials made out of (i.e. (if physical) photographs, works of art on paper, VHS, cassette tape, DVD, paper, book, (if digital) jpg, tiff, raw, pdf, doc, xls, etc.)? If more than one type of medium, please list.
Creator/artist/author/photographer, etc.
How many items or how many boxes (i.e. 5 8x5 photographs, 5 banker boxes of mixed materials, 5MB, etc.)?
What are the materials about/of (i.e. RIT student life, RIT history, Deaf history, Deaf theatre)? If more than one subject is covered, please list.
List the dates or date ranges the materials cover.

Optional Fields

You can upload an inventory of the items you wish to donate in either in the text area or uploading a document file. You can also upload up to 10 images as well.
If you have a listed inventory of the items you want to donate - please list them here.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Upload any images of items you would like to donate. Max 10 images and file under 2MB.
Maximum 10 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.