Amy McLaren
Senior Lecturer
School of Art
College of Art and Design
BA, Ithaca College; MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology
Select Scholarship
McLaren, Amy. A Tale of Two Stories. Oct. 2022. 213 Gallery, Binghamton, NY. Exhibit.
McLaren, Amy. The Stories We Tell. May 2021. Homer Center for the Arts, Homer, NY. Exhibit.
McLaren, Amy. Works by Amy McLaren. May 2018. Magnolia Emporium, Charlotte. Exhibit.
Currently Teaching
Drawing I
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account**
Drawing II
3 Credits
From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account**
Introduction to Painting
3 Credits
This course will explore techniques in painting to advance students’ understanding of subjects such as color theory, building compositions and the effective use of painting materials. Individual approaches to content range from abstraction through representational art, as students address contemporary visual arts issues. * Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. *
Figure Drawing
3 Credits
This course will focus on building figure drawing skills in a traditional life drawing class format with emphasis on dynamic line quality, visual perception and contemporary approaches to figure drawing. Students will work directly from the model in a variety of media. At the completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of diverse representations and applications of the human figure using various drawing materials and processes.
Studio Arts Independent Study
1 - 6 Credits
Studio Arts Independent Study will provide STAR students the opportunity to develop a specialized study course with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty adviser, will propose a course of study, timeline and outcome for this course. Students must obtain permission of an instructor, be holding a 3.0 gpa and complete the Independent Study Permission Form to enroll.
In the News
July 28, 2020
Annual workshop for high school students sustains legacy online
Thirty-five high school students built and refined their portfolios for college applications during a two-week visual arts course taught by RIT School of Art faculty.
July 26, 2019
November 4, 2022
‘Tale of Two Stories’ at Cooperative Gallery