Research Centers

Image Permanence Institute

The Image Permanence Institute (IPI) is a recognized leader in the development and deployment of sustainable practices for the preservation of images and cultural heritage collections in libraries, archives and museums around the world. Housed in RIT's College of Art and Design, the academic research center achieves its mission by maintaining an active preservation research program that informs and advances professional-level education and training activities, publications, consulting services and the development of practical preservation resources and tools.

Learn More about the Image Permanence Institute

MAGIC Spell Studios

MAGIC Spell Studios, LLC, is the entrepreneurial and commercial heart of RIT's MAGIC (Media, Arts, Games, Interaction and Creativity) Center. Encompassing a fully functional film sound stage, sound mix and color correction post-production studios, a 4K Dolby Atmos theater and several working media laboratories, MAGIC Spell Studios is ready and available to work with you on your next project. And with student and faculty talent in all aspects of media production and design, MAGIC Spell Studios also provides a capable workforce to get your jobs done.

Learn More about MAGIC Spell Studios

Vignelli Center for Design Studies

A visitor looks around the Vignelli Center

The Vignelli Center for Design Studies is a design museum and destination for students, faculty, professional designers and scholars. The world-class, 15,500-square-foot facility houses the entire archive of renowned designers Massimo and Lella Vignelli, whose graphic and product designs are icons of international design. It serves as an international hub for design, education, preservation, collaboration, advocacy, public good and globalism. 

Learn More about the Vignelli Center for Design Studies