Select Faculty Scholarship

Our faculty and staff are highly active in the fields they teach, collectively contributing to the advancement of many industries. Their impressive body of research and scholarly works includes authoring award-winning books and papers, exhibiting around the world, serving on panels, delivering conference keynotes, screenings in film festivals, publishing celebrated photo books and much more.


Full Length Book

Schnuckel, David, et al. G L A S S O G R A P H Y : the Journal. Volume 2 ed. Rochester, NY: Lulu xPress, 2019. Print.

Schnuckel, David. Meaningful Gibberish. 1st ed. Rochester, NY: Blurb, 2017. Web.

Editor, Victoria Lansford,. Linking Our Lineage. First ed. Eugene, OR: Society of North American Goldsmiths, 2017. Web.

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Journal Paper

Schnuckel, David. "Titrations." 2017 Robert M. Minkoff Academic Symposium. (2017): 5. Web.

Schnuckel, David. "Meaningful Gibberish." The Glass Art Society 45th Annual Conference Journal. (2017): 100-101. Print.

Locke, Vanessa Austin. "20 Minutes with Rich Tannen." Furniture and Cabinetmaking British monthly journal, published by Guild of Master Craftsmen Publications, Ltd.. July (2011): 54-55. Print.

Invited Article/Publication

Schnuckel, David. "Juror's Essay." New Glass Review 41. (2020). Print.

Schnuckel, David. "25 Blurbs." New Glass Review 41. (2020). Print.

Schnuckel, David. "(in)Coherence." GASnews, Vol.31, Issue 1. (2020). Web.

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Published Review

Harty, Kim. "Dreams of Venice." Rev. of Venice and American Studio Glass, eds. Tina Oldknow and William Warmus. Venice and American Studio Glass Sep. 2020: 100-101. Print.

Warmus, Tina Oldknow and William. "Engaging the Vessel." Rev. of Venice and American Studio Glass, eds. Tina Oldknow and William Warmus. Venice and American Studio Glass Sep. 2020: 263. Print.

Harty, Kim. "River of Shadows Exhibition Catalog." Rev. of River of Shadows, by Kim Harty. River of Shadows Nov. 2020: n/a. Web.

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Schnuckel, David. Venice and American Studio Glass. Sep. 2020. Le Stanze del Vetro, Venice. Exhibit.

Schnuckel, David Alan. River of Shadows. Nov. 2020. Hellery Gallery, New York, NY. Exhibit.

Schnuckel, David. Visible Voices. Jun. 2020. City Art Space, Rochester. Exhibit.

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Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schnuckel, David. "River of Shadows." River of Shadows exhibition talk. Heller Gallery. New York, NY. 21 Nov. 2020. Lecture.

Schnuckel, David Alan. "Artist Talk." Glass and Professional Practices. Salem Community College. Carney's Point, NJ. 19 Oct. 2020. Lecture.

Schnuckel, David. "G L A S S O G R A P H Y 2." Medium Matters. The Pilchuck Glass School. Stanwood, WA. 7 Jun. 2019. Lecture.

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Museum Collection Acquisition

Shellenbarger, Jane. "Square Box", Porcelain square covered container. Ceramics. Weisman Art Museum. (2019).

Schnuckel, David, et al. G L A S S O G R A P H Y : the Journal, Volume 2. Published writing. The Rakow Research Library of The Corning Museum of Glass. (2019).

Schnuckel, David, et al. G L A S S O G R A P H Y : the Journal, Volume 2. Published writing. The Piichuck Glass School. (2019).

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National/International Competition Award Winner

Schnuckel, David. Glass Art Society. Top Three. St. Petersberg, Florida, 2019.

Buck, Andy. Memorial Art Gallery. Edler Louis D\'Amanda Award. Rochester, New York, 2019.

Rogers, Adam. Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. GOOD DESIGN AWARD. Chicago, IL, 2017.

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External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

4/24/2015 - 4/29/2015
     Central Academy of Fine Arts, IFC
     Amount: 0

9/15/2012 - 9/29/2012
     Amount: $880.80

Published Article

Cass, Robin. “Fruition, 2006, and Minor Utopia, 2009.” Breaking Ground: A Century of Craft Art in Western New York, 2010. 130-131. Print. É 

Cass, Robin. "12 pieces dating from 2001-2009." Masters of Blown Glass: Major Works by Leading Artists. Eds. Susan Rossi-Wilcox and Ray Hemachandra. New York: Lark Crafts, 2010. 304-311. Print.

Rogers, Michael. “The Keeper’s Lament 200, and In Flight 2007.” Breaking Ground: A Century of Craft Art in Western New York, 2010. 128-129. Print. É 

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Formal Presentation

Cass, Robin. “Craft Art: Looking Back, Looking Forward.”Breaking Ground A Century of Craft Art in Western. New York. Rochester, NY. 21 Mar. 2010. Presentation.

Cass, Robin.“Artwork, Inspirations, and Teaching.” Tama Art University. Tokyo, Japan. 13 Nov. 2010. Invited Lecture and Workshop.

Cass, Robin. “Artwork & Inspirations.” Nagoya Universityof Art. Nagoya, Japan. 4 December 2010.Invited Lecture and Workshop.

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External Scholarly Fellowship

Cass, Robin. Visiting Artist in Residence. Glass Program. Osaka University of Art. Osaka, Japan. Sept. 2010 - Jan. 2011. Fellowship.

Cass, Robin. Special Programs: Glass. Kent Blossom Art, Kent State University. 24 May - 5 June 2010. Invited Artist in Residence/Workshop Leader.


Buck, Andy. “Mr. Red in international traveling exhibition.” Boxes and Their Makers. Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton,MA. 21 Aug. 2010 - 31 Oct. 2011. Exhibition.

Buck, Andy. EMMA International Collaboration, in conjunction with Saskatchewan Craft Council. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. 26 July - 2 Aug. 2010. Invited Exhibition/Collaboration.

Buck, Andy. Carved Headboard, Invitational Exhibition. Pritam & Eames The Gallery of Original Furniture. East Hampton, NY. May 2010. Exhibition.

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Full Length Book

Worden, Daniel. Petrochemical Fantasies: The Art and Energy of American Comics. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press, 2024. Print.

Smith, Dr. Daryl, Dr. Hai Tran, and Illustrator: Glen Hintz. Pathogenesis of Neuropathic Pain Diagnosis and Treatment. First ed. Handel, Switzerland: Springer, 2022. Print.

Schwartz, Jesse W. and Daniel Worden, editors. New Directions in Print Culture Studies: Archives, Materiality, and Modern American Culture. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Print.

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Book Chapter

Etz, Karly. "Tattooed Cartographies and the Displaced Body in an Age of Political Conflict." Traveling Bodies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Traveling as an Embodied Practice. Ed. Nicole Maruo-Schröder, Sarah Schäfer-Althaus, and Uta Schaffers. New York, New York: Routledge, 2023. 218-235. Print.

Worden, Daniel. "Comics." Routledge Companion to Politics and Literature in English. Ed. Matthew Stratton. New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. 323-337. Print.

Worden, Daniel. "Can Comics Think?: Automation on The Cubicle Island." Ilan Manouach in Review: Critical Approaches to his Conceptual Comics. Ed. Pedro Moura. New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. 204-224. Print.

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Journal Paper

Worden, Daniel. "The Work of Art in the Age of Transmedia Production (with regards to Walter Benjamin)." Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 28. 5 (2023): 56-77. Print.

Huang, Linda. "The Uncertain Body: Lin Tianmiao’s Mother Machine and Postsocialist Biopolitics." Art Journal 81. 1 (2011): 96-115. Print.

Amy, Michaël. "The Illusionist: A Conversation with Guillaume Bijl." Afterimage 49. 3 (2022): 4-22. Web.

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Published Conference Proceedings

Kronfield, Elizabeth. "Panel Discussion Series: Iron Furnace Construction." Proceedings of the Mid-South Sculpture Alliance Online Panel Discussion Series. Ed. Elizabeth Kronfield. Knoxvillle, TN: Mid-South Sculpture Alliance, 2021. Web.

Kronfield, Elizabeth and Robin Cass. "Engagement Metrics Provided by Learning Management Systems." Proceedings of the College Art Association. Ed. Elizabeth Kronfield. New York, NY: CAA, 2021. Web.

Thompson, Sarah. "Rewriting History on the Façade of Saint-Denis." Proceedings of the LA CITTÀ PALINSESTO: Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessità dei contesti urbani storici, Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy, June 10-12 2021 (delayed from June 2020). Ed. CIRICE. Naples, Italy: n.p., 2020. Web.

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Invited Paper

Bushnell, Eileen Feeney. "An exploration of biological and cultural paradigms through the use of microbes in printmaking." College Art Association. (2018). Print.

Singer, Alan. "Alan Singer Printmaking." Create Magazine. (2016). Print.

Singer, Alan and Rebecca Rafferty. "Mathematics." ARTVOICES. (2016). Web.

Invited Article/Publication

Tani, Ellen. "Charles Gaines by Ellen Tani." BOMB. (2024). Print.

Whitted, Qiana, et al. "Making the Case for Comics Studies: Program Directors Roundtable." INKS: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 7, no. 3. (2023). Print.

Amy, Michael. "Spiritual Labyrinth: A Conversation with Herman van Bergen." Sculpture. (2023). Print.

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Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Nickisher, Heidi. "Libbey and Tiffany Go to the Fair." Proceedings of the Popular Culture/American Culture Annual Conference. Ed. Heidi Nickisher. Chicago, Illinois: n.p..

Nickisher, Heidi. "Currency for Commodity: The Manila Galleon Trade." Proceedings of the Lake Erie Latin American Cultural Studies (LELACS) Humanities conference. Ed. Heidi Nickisher. University of Rochester, Rochester, New York: n.p..

Thompson, Sarah. "Gothic Images, Images of Gothic: The Promotion of Gothic in 19th-Century Photography." Proceedings of the College Art Association Annual Meeting. Ed. n/a. New York, NY: n.p..

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Published Review

Amy, Michael. "Pepón Osorio." Rev. of Pepón Osorio, by N/A. Sculpture 14 Sep. 2023: /. Web.

Amy, Michael. "Mire Lee." Rev. of Mire Lee, by Michael Amy. Sculpture 29 Aug. 2023: /. Web.

Amy, Michael. "Anita Molinero." Rev. of Anita Molinero, by Michael Amy. Sculpture 24 Jan. 2023: /. Web.

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Journal Editor

Miller, Rachel and Daniel Worden, ed. Understanding Comics at 30: a Special Issue of INKS: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 6, no. 3. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press, 2022. Print.


RETROaction (Part 2). By Ellen Tani, et al. 27 Feb. 2024. Hauser & Wirth Gallery, Los Angeles. Exhibit.

Printed with Purpose. 2 Oct. 2023. University Missouri- St Louis, St Louis. Exhibit.

Uhrik, Henry. Small Press Expo. 9 Sep. 2023. Bethesda North Marriott, Bethesda, Maryland. Exhibit.

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Invited Keynote/Presentation

Tani, Ellen, et al. "‘Now-ness’ and Prophetic Criticism." RETROaction symposium: ‘Now-ness’ and Prophetic Criticism. Hauser & Wirth and the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute. New York, NY. 27 Jan. 2024. Lecture.

Worden, Daniel. "Why Do Comics Matter Today?" ImagiCon. Monroe Community College. Rochester, New York. 25 Sep. 2024. Lecture.

Amy, Michael. "Cimabue's Altarpiece of the Crucifixion in the Upper Church of San Francesco at Assisi." Art History Symposium. SUNY Geneseo. Geneseo, NY. 28 Apr. 2023. Keynote Speech.

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Museum Collection Acquisition

Donnellan, Suzanne Peck and Karen. Blow Harder: Alternative Lexicons for the Hot Shop. Social Practice, Etymology, Language, Inkjet Print on Paper. Corning Museum of Glass. (2019).

Schnuckel, David. Glassography: The Journal. Printed Book. The Corning Museum of Glass (Rakow Research Library). (2018).

Schnuckel, David. Glassography: The Journal. Printed Book. Pilchuck Glass School. (2018).

National/International Competition Award Winner

Schnuckel, David. The Arts Commission. 3rd Prize, Momentum Exhibition. Toledo, OH, 2018.

Schnuckel, David. The Arts Commission. The Libbey Purchase Prize. Toledo, OH, 2018.

Perkins, James, et al. British Medical Association. Illustrated Medical Book Award. London, UK, 2012.


Kronfield, Elizabeth. Western Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art. Elizabeth Kronfield & Matthew Wicker. Montana Museum of Art & Culture. Missoula, MT. 6-29 May 2010. Exhibition. É 

Kronfield, Elizabeth, Francesca Lalanne, Karen Donnellan, Zak Helenske, Brittany Kinard, William Tighe, Mary Catherine Richardson. Furnace Crew for the performance and filming of a 25 ton iron casting for Matthew Barney’s “Khu.”Detroit, MI. 2 October 2010.Performance/Film. " 

Kronfield, Elizabeth. Intercollegiate Iron Pour. Salem Art Works. Salem, NY. 25 Sept. 2010. Visiting Artist. " 

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Formal Presentation

Kronfield, Elizabeth. “History & Community.” Western Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art. Missoula, MT. 6 May 2010. Keynote Address.

Sheffield, ClarenceBurton, Jr. “Edvard Munch in 2010: Reassessing a Century of Scholarship-Directions for the Future.” 98th Annual Conference, College Art Association, Chicago, IL. 12 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Sheffield, ClarenceBurton, Jr. “Fridtjof Nansen’s Environmental Philosophy and His Evolving Image of theArctic.” Environmental Histories of the North-A Seminar/Workshop. Nordic Environmental History Network (NEHN), Nordforsk. Stockholm, Sweden. 14 Oct. 2010. Presentation.

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Published Article

Amy, Michael. “Boston Light: Daguerreotypes by Southworth & Hawes Convey Mid-19th-century America Through its Luminaries and Ordinary Citizens.” Johan Swinnen and LucDeneulin eds. The Weight of Photography: Photography: History, Theory andCriticism: Introductory Readings, (2010): 67-72. Print.

Amy, Michael. “The Call of the Wild.” Jan Fabre, ChaptersI-XVIII, Waxes & Bronze, (2010): 140-141. Print.

Amy, Michael. “Art as a Disappearing Act: A Conversation with Dustin Yellin.” Sculpture, 29.5 (2010): 40-47. Print.

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External Scholarly Fellowship

Sodervick, Zerbe. Community Print Shop. Experimental Print Imaging Center & Print Media, University at Buffalo, Visual Studies. Buffalo, NY. August 2010. Fellowship.

Published Book

Illustrations for Damjanov, I. Pathology for the Health Professions. Elsevier, Inc. 2010. Print.

Full Length Book

Justice, Lorraine. The Future of Design. 1 ed. Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealey/Hachette, 2019. Print.

Jackson, Chris. After Effects for Designers: Graphic and Interactive Design in Motion. First ed. New York, New York: Focal Press, 2017. Print.

Jackson, Chris and Nancy Ciolek. Digital Design in Action: Creative Solutions for Designers. First ed. New York, NY: CRC Press, 2016. Print.

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Full Patent

Nae, Hye-Jin, et al. "Graphical User Interface for Computer Screen." U.S. Patent D612860. 20 Mar. 2010.

Nae, Hye-Jin, et al. "Transitional Computer User Interface for a Display Screen." U.S. Patent D621850. 17 Aug. 2010.

Cardona, Miguel, et al. "User Interface for Just-In-Time Image Processing." U.S. Patent US 9654602 B2. 16 May 2017.

Book Chapter

Trindade, Isabella and Ana Luisa Rolim. "Adaptive Reuse in Brazil: Lessons from Lina Bo Bardi." Adaptive Reuse in Latin America. Cultural Identity, Values and Memory. Ed. Jose Bernardi. New York, New York: Routledge, 2024. Chapter 7. Print.

Trindade, Isabella, Ana Luisa Rolim, and Maria de Lourdes Nóbrega. "Transformation of Public Spaces Through Emergency Urbanism: Lessons from Toronto, Recife and New York." City Reponses to Disruptions in 2020. From Lockdowns to Aftermath. New York, New York: Springer, 2023. 49-66. Web.

Peres, Michael, et al. "About the Images from Science 3 Project." Images from Science 3. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2019. 4-7. Print.

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Journal Paper

Nae, Hye-Jin and Adam Smith. "Preparing for Now and the Future User Experience with Interdisciplinary Projects." Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal—Annual Review 16. 1 (2023): 151-161. doi:10.18848/1833-1874/CGP/v16i01/151-161. Web.

Paulus, Nick. "Graphic Design in 2018." Graphic Arts 3. 2 (2017): 12-30. Web.

Murdoch-Kitt, Kelly M. and Denielle Emans. "Design Nexus: Integrating Cross-cultural Learning Experiences Into Graphic Design Education." Studies in Material Thinking 11. (2014): 24-page PDF. Web.

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Published Game, Application or Software

Nae, Hye-Jin, et al. Game That Damn Goat for Nintendo Switch. Game. Nintendo Switch, MAGIC Spell Studios, LLC. 2024.

Nae, Hye-Jin, et al. Game That Damn Goat for PC. Game. Steam, MAGIC Spell Studios, LLC. 2023.

Trabold, Keli DiRisio, Nicole. Base Campus. Phone or Smart Device App. Self. 2022.

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Published Conference Proceedings

Nae, Hye-Jin and Miguel Cardona. "Reestablishing a Collaborative Research Project Practice in an Academic Environment." Proceedings of the UCDA Design Education Summit. Ed. Michael Clayton, Johnathon Strube. Smyrna, TN: University & College Designers Association, 2021. Print.

Cardona, Miguel. "First day of Class with Figma Design." Proceedings of the UCDA Design Education Summit. Ed. TBA. Smyrna, Tennessee: University & College Designers Association (UCDA), 2020. Web.

Cardona, Miguel. "The Role of User Storytelling in Designing for the Near-Future." Proceedings of the Human Centered: UCDA Design Education Summit. Ed. TBA. Smyrna, Tennessee: University & College Designers Association (UCDA), 2020. Web.

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Provisional Patent

Colaprete, Domenico, et al. "Laundry Cleaning Product." Patent 20130326996 A1. 5 Jan. 2014.

Invited Paper

Beardslee, Deborah. "Experiential Graphic Design Curriculum Strategies." SEGD Academic Task Force Member, Workbook Submission. (2019). Web.

Frear, Lorrie and Carol Fillip. "A Typographic Carousel; Showcasing Pre-digital Typographic Techniques and Processes to Lure in Digital Natives." BLOG: (2013). Web.

Jackson, Chris and Adam Smith. "3D Enhanced Visual Design for Designers." 2013 UCDA Design Education Summit Proceedings. (2013). Print.

Invited Article/Publication

Bosler, Denise. "Three book covers selected for publication: This Could Have Become Ramayan Chamar’s Tale, Good Men, and A Story That Happens." Mastering Type: The Essential Guide to Typography for Print and Web Design. (2023). Print.

Wagstaff, Dan. "Book Covers of Note October 2023." The Casual Optimist. (2023). Web.

Cardona, Miguel. "11 activities in Figma for your classroom." Figma for Education. (2020). Web.

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Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

DiRisio, Keli, Lorrie Frear, and Carol Fillip. "GRAPHIC DESIGN STUDENTS DESIGN, DEVELOP AND DELIVER FOR CLIENTS." Proceedings of the 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Ed. Keli DiRisio, Lorrie Frear, Carol Fillip. Valencia, Spain: n.p..

DiRisio, Keli, Nicole Trabold, and Allison O'Malley. "Avatars and health care: Use of a Virtual health coach." Proceedings of the 2021 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. Ed. NA. Remote, USA: n.p..

DiRisio, Keli, Carol Fillip, and Lorrie Frear. "Student Designers Working with Clients to Solve Problems." Proceedings of the UCDA Design Education Summit Re-. Ed. Keli DiRisio, Carol Fillip, and Lorrie Frear. Remote, USA: n.p..

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Published Review

Foster, Shaun C. Rev. of How'd My Avatar Get Into That Sneaker Ad?, ed. Slate editorial staff. Slate 4 Jan. 2012: 3. Web.

Ramin, Zahed. “Rev. of Flash Cinematic Techniques” by Chris Jackson. Animation Magazine. June/July 2010. Print.


Jordan, A. Good Men. 20 Mar. 2023. ARTIFACT [BOLD] Exhibition, The Sechrest Gallery of Art, High Point University, High Point, North Carolina. Exhibit.

Senior Lecturer. Oct. 2021. Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester NY. Installation.

Lobos, Alex. Spiral Table Lamp. 25 Nov. 2020. Ibero American Design Biennial, Madrid, Spain. Exhibit.

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Invited Keynote/Presentation

Jordan, A. "Visiting Designer Lecture." 2023–2024 Hollander Visiting Artist, Design, and Scholar Lecture Series. Michigan State University. Lansing, Michigan. 14 Nov. 2023. Keynote Speech.

Jordan, A. "AUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Panel." Association of University Presses Annual Conference. Association of University Presses. Online Meeting, Online Meeting. 8 Jun. 2023. Conference Presentation.

Jordan, A. "Recent Work." Visiting Designer Lecture. The College of New Jersey. Ewing Township, New Jersey. 24 Oct. 2023. Guest Lecture.

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Museum Collection Acquisition

Jordan, A. Boom Times for the End of the World. Book Cover Design. The Museum of Avant-garde, Mendrisio, Switzerland. (2023).

Jordan, A. Good Men. Book Cover Design. The Museum of Avant-garde, Mendrisio, Switzerland. (2023).

Schweppe, Marla, et al. Women of Rochester Dress. fabric, 3D prints. Women's Rights Museum, Seneca Falls, NY. (2018).

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National/International Competition Award Winner

Jordan, A. C2A Creative Communication Awards. Four book covers selected as award winners: Mothers Don’t, Boom Times for the End of the World, The Entanglement, and Sonnets to Orpheus. Los Angeles, California, 2023.

Jordan, A. Graphis Design Awards. Four book covers selected as award winners: Solenoid, The Entanglement, and Boom Times for the End of the World. New York, New York, 2023.

Jordan, A. DNA Paris Design Awards. Two book covers selected as award winners: Boom Times for the End of the World, and Good Men. Paris, France, 2023.

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External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

1/1/2021 -12/31/2025
     Fulbright Specialist Program
     Amount: 0

7/1/2015 - 8/1/2015
     National Endownment for the Humanities
     Amount: $3500

Formal Presentation

Frear, Lorrie and Kris Holmes. “Scribal Practices usingModern Tools.” Future of Reading Conference. Rochester, NY. June 2010.Presentation.

Frear, Lorrie, and Carol Filip. “Letterforms and Literacy in Children.” TypeCon2010: Babel Conference. Los Angeles, CA. August 2010. Presentation.

Frear, Lorrie. “Student Collaborations Within and Between Universities: Experiential Learning and Teamwork Prepares Students for the DesignProfessions,” and “Point/Counterpoint: theDance of Teaching Typography andCalligraphy in a Graphic Design Environment.” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanitites. Honolulu, Hawaii. January 2010. Presentation.

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Frear, Lorrie. “LEAF/leaf” in The Bookmark Project 2010: Amulet. 34th Annual Toronto Jewish Book Fair. Koffler Centre of The Arts. Toronto, Canada. 23 -31 October 2010. Exhibition.

Frear, Lorrie. “Streamlined Creativity.”The Graceful Envelope Contest 2010. National Association of Letter Carriers Headquarters. Washington, DC. August 2010-August 2011. Exhibition.

Frear, Lorrie. “Love Letters in Letters.” LoDi Project Gallery. Raleigh, NC. January 2010. Exhibition.

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Published Article

Frear, Lorrie. “Teaching Calligraphy in a Graphic Design Environment.” Letter Arts Review, 24.3 (2010): 28-35. Print.

Smith, Adam.“Collaborative Education for Designers and Developers at RIT.” Adobe Design and Film School Connection. Web.

Published Book

CChwiecko, Nancy and Amy Fernandez. There’s A Dog in the House: A Practical Guide to Creating Today’sDog Friendly Home. Rochester, NY: Design Dog Press, 2010. Print.

Jackson, Chris. Flash + After Effects: Add Broadcast Features to Your Flash Designs. 2nd edition. Boston: Focal P, 2010. Print.

Jackson, Chris. Flash Cinematic Techniques: EnhancingAnimated Shorts and InteractiveStorytelling. Boston: Focal P, 2010. Print.

Full Length Book

Gasek, Tom. Frame by Frame Stop Motion; The Guide to Non-Puppet Photographic Animation Techniques. second ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press / Taylor and Francis Group, 2017. Print.

Gasek, Tom. Frame by Frame Stop Motion;The Guide to Non-Traditional Animation Techniques. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Focal Press (Routledge Publishing), 2011. Print.

Book Chapter

Beck, Jack. "Seeking a Balanced Image-Sound Referent System: In a Praxis of Design." The 21st Century Film, TV & Media School: Sound. Paris, France: CILECT Publications, 2024. 100-110. Print.

Journal Paper

Figueroa, Ricardo and Rui Li. "Bayesian Methods for Radiometric Calibration in Motion Picture Encoding Workflows." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 128. 7 (2019): 25-30. Print.

Long, David and Mark D. Fairchild. "Observer Metamerism Models and Multiprimary Display Systems." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal. April (2016): 18-29. Print.

Long, David L and Mark D Fairchild. "Modeling Observer Variability and Metamerism Failure in Electronic Color Displays." Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 58. 3 (2014): 030402 1-14. Print.

Published Game, Application or Software

O'Brien, Jesse and Velan Studios. Knockout City. Game. Electronic Arts. 2021.

O'Brien, Jesse and DB Creations. Table Trenches. Game. DB Creations. 2019.

O'Brien, Jesse and Hi-Rez Studios. Paladins: Champions of the Realm. Game. Hi-Rez Studios. 2017.

Published Conference Proceedings

O'Brien, Jesse. "THE PEDAGOGY OF AN INTRODUCTORY LEVEL DESIGN COURSE”." Proceedings of the INTED2024 (18th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference). Ed. INTED2024 Organizing Committee. Valencia, SPain: n.p., 2024. Web.

Beck, Jack. "Forum on Artificial Intelligence: The Cinematic AI as a Chion Voice-Body Duality." Proceedings of the 2023 UFVA Conference: Cultivating the Future of Media Arts. Ed. Cynthia Ann Baron. Savannah, Georgia: Journal of Film and Video 76.1, 2024. Print.

Figueroa, Ricardo. "What Electronic Image Noise Signatures Can Tell Us About Image Linearity and Camera Encoding." Proceedings of the SMPTE Media Technology Summit 2023. Ed. John Ferder, SMPTE. Los Angeles, CA: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), 2023. Web.

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Invited Paper

Beck, Jack. "The Call for a Balanced Image-Sound Referent System." CILECT Asia Pacific Association Conference 2022: Sound & Screen. Nanyang Technological University. (2022). Print.

Invited Article/Publication

Deese, Frank. "Reel Impact: Movies and TV that Changed History - "Patton" and Nixon." Script Magazine. (2020). Web.

Deese, Frank. "Reel Impact: Movies and TV That Changed History - "The China Syndrome"." Script Magazine. (2020). Web.

Gasek, Tom. "Animation at the Jilin Institute." ASIFA East. (2019). Web.

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Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

O'Brien, Jesse. "The Pedagogy of an Introductory University-Level Maya Course." Proceedings of the EDULEARN23. Ed. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Palma de Mallorca, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).

Blanchard, Mari Jaye. "Line of Action: The Two-Dimensional Line in Three Dimensional Space." Proceedings of the UFVA Conference 2019, Minneapolis, MN. Ed. Michael Clarke. Minneapolis, MN: n.p..

Published Review

Rezsnyak, Eric. "Rochester Fringe Festival Day 5: BeeEye." Rev. of BeeEye, by Eric Rezsnyak. City Newspaper, Rochester, NY 24 Sep. 2012: on-line edition. Print.

Beck, Jerry. "Books Books Books." Rev. of Frame by Frame Stop Motion, ed. Focal Press. Frame by Frame Stop Motion 1 Oct. 2011: 1. Web.

Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan. “Desire & Interaction: Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, ARambo (2010)” Drunken Boat: International Online Journal of Art, 12 (Summer 2010). Web.

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Stories from the Living Tree. Sep. 2023. Theatre at Innovation Square - Rochester Fringe Festival, Rochester. Performance.

Amplifying Feedback Loop. 21 Jul. 2023. 2023 University Film/Video Association Conference. Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA. Exhibit.

Amplifying Feedback Loop. 21 Oct. 2023. Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu, HI. Exhibit.

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Invited Keynote/Presentation

Beck, Jack. "The Strata of Textual Analysis for the Voice Theorist." UFVA: Rock On: Urban Resilience, Cinema, and Sustainability. Cleveland State University. Cleveland, OH. 2 Aug. 2024. Conference Presentation.

Asadilari, Meghdad. "2D Character Rigging in UE for Realtime Animation or MoCap." Game Developers Conference. UBM Technology Group. San Francisco, CA. 17 Mar. 2025. Conference Presentation.

O’Brien, Jesse and Jenn Hinton. "Strategies for Providing Students with Creative Industry Experience Beyond Traditional Internships." a2ru 2024 National Conference. a2ru. Rochester, NY. 16 Nov. 2024. Conference Presentation.

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Museum Collection Acquisition

(Director), Cathleen Ashworth and Atia Quadri (Animation Technical Director). Iroquois Creation Story. Digital Film - permanent display. Seneca Art and Cultural Center, Victor, NY. (2015).

National/International Competition Award Winner

Adrion, Amy, Meghdad Asadilari, and Don Casper. The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Nominated for Children and Family Emmy Award. Los Angeles, CA, 2023.

Figueroa, Ricardo. Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. SMPTE Fellow. Los Angeles (Virtual for 2020), CA, 2020.

Sweet, Vanessa. University Film/Video Association (UFVA). Gold Award for Animation- WILD WOMAN. Online, due to COVID-19, 2020.

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External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

5/9/2018 - 6/17/2018
     Fulbright Specialist Program - World Learning
     Amount: $10,000.

3/17/2016 - 4/3/2016
     Fulbright (US Government)
     Amount: Flight / Housing and $200 per day

Published Article

Rhodes, GeoffreyAlan. “Interviews: Geoffrey Alan Rhodes:The experimental film artist talks about reshuffling Rambo for his latest project,” Little White Lies: Truth & Movies. 29 March 2010. Web.

Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan. “Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2010: exhibition highlights.”, 24 Nov. 2010. Web.

Gasek, Thomas.“Flying the Flag at Se-ma-For.” ASIFAEast Exposure Sheet. Association Internationale du Film d’Animation East Chapter. 13 September 2010. Web. ^


Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan and Steven Eastwood. Buried Land, 2010. Sarajevo International Film Festival, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 22-31 July 2010. Film Screening. É 

Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan. 52 Card Cinema: ‘Arambo’, Abandon Normal Devices Festival, Grizedale Park, Cumbria, UK. 2-3 Apr. 2010. Exhibition. É 

Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan and Steven Eastwood. Buried Land, 2010. 32nd Moscow International Film Festival, Moscow, Russia. 17 -26 June 2010. Film Screening. É 

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Formal Presentation

Battaglia, Skip. “Presentation of Animated Films1980 - 2006.” The Museum School, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA. 3-4 March 2010. Presentation.

Carageorge,Adrianne and Naomi Orwin. “The Student of the Future.” University Film and Video Association Conference. Champlain College,Burlington, VT. 12 August 2010. Presentation.

Carageorge,Adrianne. “Respondent to juried documentary film ‘Ivan and Arnold: Day Laborers from Both Sides of the Border’ by Melinda Levin and Scott Thurman.” University Film and Video Association Conference. Champlain College, Burlington, VT.11 August 2010. Film response at Conference.

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Full Length Book

McFadden, Joshua Rashaad, LaCharles Ward, and Lyle Ashton Harris. Joshua Rashaad McFadden : I Believe I'll Run On. 1 ed. Rochester : George Eastman Museum ; New Haven : Yale University Press, United States: Yale University Press, 2022. Print.

Zuromskis, Catherine, A. Joan Saab, and Aubrey Anable. A Concise Companion to Visual Culture. 1 ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2021. Print.

Salvaggio, Nanette and Josh Shagam. Basic Photographic Materials and Processes. 4th ed. New York, New York: Routledge, 2020. Print.

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Full Patent

Katuwal, Gajendra, et al. "Automated Fundus Image Field Detection and Image Quality Assesment." U.S. Patent US 2015/0104087 A1. 22 Mar. 2018.

Book Chapter

Zuromskis, Catherine. "Evidence of Feeling: Race, Police Violence, and the Limits of Documentation." Ubiquity: Photography's Multitudes. Ed. Jacob W. Lewis and Kyle Parry. Leuven, Belgium: University of Leuven Press, 2021. 159-178. Print.

Halpern, Gregory. "ZZYZX." But Still, It Turns. London, UK: MACK, 2021. 20. Print.

Phillips, Sandra. "Gregory Halpern." American Geography. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Radius Books, 2021. Print.

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Journal Paper

Kinsman, Ted. "Micrometeorite Hunter One Man’s Search for Tiny Cosmic Visitors just Underfoot turns up Photogenic Specimens." Sky and Telescope magazine. Febuary (2020): 36-42. Print.

Viggiano, J A Stephen. "Calculation of Scalars in Neugebauer-Like Models. II: Final Scalar Function is Copula." Journal of Imaging Science & Technology 62. 5 (2018): 050403-1 through 050403-8. Print.

Zuromskis, Catherine. "All One Life”: Celebrity and Intimacy in the Photographs of Annie Leibovitz." Photography and Culture 10. 3 (2017): 1-19. Print.

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Published Game, Application or Software

Viggiano, J A Stephen. FiboSearch. Software. 2020.

Published Conference Proceedings

Sisson, Christye. "Color Consistency in Fundus Photography: Development of an Imaging Standard." Proceedings of the Ophthalmic Photographer’s Society Annual Educational Meeting, October 2019. Ed. Ophthalmic Photographer's Society. San Francisco, CA: n.p., Web.

Viggiano, J A Stephen, Nanette Salvaggio, and Nitin Sampat. "Chromaticity Matrix to Tristimulus Matrix Conversion for RGB Color Spaces - Even In the Dark." Proceedings of the IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, Burlingame, CA, 8 January - 2 February 2018. Ed. Reiner Eschbach, Gabriel G. Marcu, and Alessandro Rizzi. Burlingame, CA: IS&T: the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2018. Web.

Pfund, Nora, Nitin Sampat, and J A Stephen Viggiano. "Relative Impact of Key Rendering Parameters on Perceived Quality of VR Imagery Captured by the Facebook Surround 360 Camera." Proceedings of the IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, Burlingame, CA, 8 January - 2 February 2018. Ed. Zhen He, et al. Burlingame, CA: IS&T: the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2018. Web.

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Provisional Patent

Sisson, Christye, et al. "Automated Fundus Image Field Detection and Quality Assessment." Patent 14/511936. 10 Oct. 2014.

Katuwal, Gajendra, et al. "Automated Fundus Image Field Detection and Quality Assessment." US Provisional Patent Application 61/889,282. 10 Oct. 2013.

Invited Paper

Peres, Michael and Norman Barker. "Images from Science 3 Project." Journal of BioCommunications. (2020). Print.

Michael, Peres,. "The RIT Big Shot Thirty Three Years of Stories." Journal of BioCommunications. (2019). Web.

Kinsman, Ted. "How to Age Film for the Distressed Look. or How to NOT Store Your Film." (2019). Web.

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Invited Article/Publication

Kinsman, Ted. "Light Painting Photos with a Geometric Drawing Machine." (2021). Web.

Sisson, Christye. "I Create Manipulated Images and Videos – But Quality May Not Matter Much." The Conversation. (2019). Web.

Zuromskis, Catherine. "The Social Lives of Archival Photographs"." The Archives of American Art Journal. (2018). Print.

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Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Defibaugh, Denis. "North by Nuuk, Greenland After Kent." Proceedings of the USA-Greenland Research and Educational Workshop. Ed. NA. Nuuk, Greenland, Greenland: n.p..

Published Review

Davidow, Jackson. "From Protest to Rest: Joshua Rashaad McFadden at the George Eastman Museum." Rev. of Joshua Rashaad McFadden: I Believe I'll Run On, by Jackson Davidow. Art in America 1 Sep. 2022: 91-92. Print.

Meyers, William. "'But Still, It Turns: Recent Photography From the World’ Review: Capturing Quotidian America." Rev. of But Still, It Turns: Recent Photography From the World, by William Meyers. Wall Street Journal 21 Feb. 2021: Print.

Abel-Hirsch, Hannah. "British Journal of Photography, "A Reminder of What it Means to Photograph the Tumult of Everyday Life"." Rev. of But Still, It Turns: Recent Photography From the World, by Hannah Abel-Hirsch. British Journal of Photography 22 Feb. 2021: Web.

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Journal Editor

Sisson, Christye P., ed. Journal of Ophthalmic Photography. Nixa, Missouri: n.p., 2015. Print.


Parlato, Ahndraya. Who Is Changed and Who Is Dead. 1 May 2022. Spazio Labo, Bologna, Italy. Exhibit.

GregoryHalpern, Ahndraya Parlato &. East of the Sun, West of the Moon. 8 Sep. 2022. Breda Festival, Breda, Netherlands. Exhibit.

Parlato, Ahndraya. Who Is Changed and Who Is Dead. 17 Nov. 2022. University of Rochester, Rochester. Exhibit.

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Invited Keynote/Presentation

Bondy, Chris. "Technology Trends Effecting the Printing Industry." Queens Printer Conference. Canadian Queens Printing Association. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 11 Jun. 2019. Keynote Speech.

Bondy, Chris. "The Power of Personalization in Labels & Packaging." Xeikon Café. Xeikon Corporation. Chicago, IL. 15 May 2019. Conference Presentation.

Bondy, Chris. "The Power of Personalization in Graphic Arts." Xeikon Café. Xeikon Corporation. Chicago, IL. 16 May 2019. Conference Presentation.

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Museum Collection Acquisition

Halpern, Gregory. Prints from "Let the Sun Beheaded Be". Photographs (C-Prints). San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. (2020).

National/International Competition Award Winner

Bondy, Chris, et al. Foil and Specialty Effects Association (FSEA). Gold Leaf Award. Toronto, Ontario, 2019.

Alqadar, Ambarien. The Athena Film Festival. The Athena Screenwriters Lab. New York City, NY, 2019.

Halpern, Gregory. Fondation d’entreprise Hermès. Immersion Commission. Paris, France, 2019.

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External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

4/25/2016 - 6/15/2017
     Polar Field Services
     Amount: $65,000.00

12/15/2015 - 11/30/2017
     Amount: $650,000

12/1/2015 - 11/30/2018
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: $645,155.00

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External Scholarly Fellowship

Bell, Roberley. “The City as Space: A Process for Seeing, Thinking and Making in the Public Realm.” Fulbright US Scholar. Council for International Exchange of Scholars. Kadir Has University, Istabul, Turkey. March - June 2010.

Osterman, Willie. “Program Development forthe Master of Arts Degree in Photography.” Fulbright US Scholar. Council for International Exchange of Scholars.University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Sept. 2009 - Feb. 2010.


Bell, Roberley. Other Landscape. Alan Space, Istanbul, Turkey. May 2010. Exhibition. É 

Bell, Roberley. “Roberley Bell: Between the Realms.” Philadelphia International Airport, Terminal A-West, Philadelphia, PA. July 2010 - January 2011. Exhibition. É 

Russotti, Patricia. Through Women’s Eyes. Image City Photography Gallery. Rochester, NY. 19 May - 13 June, 2010. Exhibition. É 

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Published Book

Russotti, Patricia and Richard Anderson. Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook: A Guide to Staying Ahead of the Workflow Curve. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2010. Print. É 

Lakin, Susan. Television Portraits, Griffin Museumof Photography, Winchester MA.Museum/Gallery Collection. 2010. Print. É 

Davidhazy, Andrew. Fotored - Fotografias por Miembros de la Lista Fotored. Rochester, NY: Andrew Davidhazy, 2010. Print.

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Published Article

Russotti, Patricia and Richard Anderson. “Getting to Work - Image Ingestion.” Journal of Digital Asset Management, 6.3 (2010) 139-146. Print. É  *

Davidhazy, Andrew. 3 photographs included in Findings on Elasticit,(2010): 128-129. Print.

Davidhazy, Andrew. "Rolling Shutter Artifacts in Digital Cameras." Fuji TV Network. Japan. 29 October 2010. Television Interview.

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Formal Presentation

Russotti, Patricia.“The Evolving Digital Photographic Workflow.”GASC Graph Expo 2010. Chicago, IL. 4 October 2010. Presentation.

Russotti, Patricia. “Digital Photography Education - Thinking atthe Next Level.” Facing Diversity: Levelingthe Playing Field in the Photograpic Arts, Society for Photographic Education(SPE) National Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 4 March 2010. Presentation.

Russotti, Patricia. “The Evolving Digital Photographic Workflow.” Shoot NYC. An Advanced Photography Forum ‘The Professionals Event at PhotoPlus 2010.’ 29 October 2010. Presentation.

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Editor (book or journal)

Nitin, Sampat,Francisco Imai and Feng Xiao, eds. DigitalPhotography VI Proceedings of SPIE 7537. Bellingham, WA SPIE, 2010. Print.