Clifford Wun Headshot

Clifford Wun

Associate Professor

School of Art
College of Art and Design

Clifford Wun

Associate Professor

School of Art
College of Art and Design


BFA, Rhode Island School of Design; MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Turk, Elizabeth. An Apple Is an Apple...(In the Exhibition) "Elizabeth Turk: Sentient Forms. By Clifford Wun. 12 Oct. 2014. Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach. Exhibit.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account**
3 Credits
This course will provide an in-depth anatomical approach to drawing the figure. Students will practice drawing human anatomy including body and head postures, facial expressions, and hand gestures. Students will learn anatomical proportioning while drawing from observation from models to convey emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, disgust, etc. Students will also learn to use photographic support references when drawing the figure. By the conclusion of the semester students will be able to have intermediate to advanced level anatomical drawing skills.
3 Credits
This course utilizes subjects found in the natural world as resources for applied and fine art applications. Working from live and preserved subjects, students will accurately depict animal and plant images, which may be used descriptively in print and electronic media.
3 Credits
This course engages students in contemporary visual art practice through a personal exploration of painting techniques. Individual approaches to painting address issues of representation and abstraction to build a portfolio for further career advancement. Course may be repeatable. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course**
3 Credits
This course engages students in a personal exploration of techniques in painting to advance their understanding and practice of visual art. Individual approaches to painting from the representational through the abstract present a cross-section of current art issues which students must address as they build their portfolio. Course may be retaken. ** Fee: A materials fee is required for this course**.
1 - 6 Credits
Studio Arts Independent Study will provide STAR students the opportunity to develop a specialized study course with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty adviser, will propose a course of study, timeline and outcome for this course. Students must obtain permission of an instructor, be holding a 3.0 gpa and complete the Independent Study Permission Form to enroll.
3 Credits
This is the first of two courses designed to advance a student towards completion of their thesis. Students will work independently on their approved proposal while meeting on a regular basis with their committee chair. Students are required to meet at least twice with their full committee during the semester.
1 - 6 Credits
Studio Arts Independent Study will provide students with the ability to study in a specialized area with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty advisor, will propose and conduct a course of study. An approved Independent Study Permission Form must be submitted to Student Services to enroll.
6 Credits
For this final thesis course students continue working with their committee to evaluate work produced, and select the work to be exhibited. In addition, students will work with gallery coordinators and curators to install and exhibit their final body of work. Students are expected to defend their work to the committee through an oral defense and a written document.
0 Credits
The Studio Arts Continuation of Thesis course provides student additional semester(s) to complete their thesis research, project, and thesis document.

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