Jennifer Schoonmaker Headshot

Jennifer Schoonmaker

Visiting Lecturer

School of Art
College of Art and Design

Jennifer Schoonmaker

Visiting Lecturer

School of Art
College of Art and Design

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account**
3 Credits
This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account**
3 Credits
This course will provide students with an introduction to the scholarship of teaching and learning in the university environment. Students will explore a range of perspectives on pedagogical practice, curriculum development and the assessment of learning in a studio, lab and seminar based classroom. Additionally, students will focus on ways that students learn, how learning can be improved, and different methods of conducting research into teaching and learning. Students are expected to write critical papers and essays, develop curriculum resources, and to participate in weekly small and large format discussion groups. Online technology is utilized in addition to lectures, videos, and other forms of media.
3 Credits
This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course**
3 Credits
This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be retaken. ** Fee: A materials fee is required for this course**.