RIT’s College of Art and Design is one of the most dynamic colleges of art and design in the nation. With technology, the arts, and design at our core, we are a professional art school within a comprehensive technical university.
The College of Art and Design has five schools (art, crafts, design, film and animation, and photography), 140 faculty, and 60 staff members. We are a close-knit, collaborative community of artists, innovators and scientists.
We are committed to recruiting and hiring the most qualified individuals. RIT promotes and values diversity, pluralism, and inclusion in the workplace. Recognized as a prestigious “Diversity Champion” by INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, RIT takes enormous pride in its continuing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts that advance a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
The RIT campus is just minutes away from downtown Rochester, N.Y. You can explore and enjoy the city’s entertainment, and cultural offerings. The city is large enough to provide the dining and nightlife opportunities you might expect in a bigger city, yet small and friendly enough to be inviting and accessible. RIT is also not far from the beautiful Finger Lakes region known for its lakes, wineries, and restaurants.
RIT and Rochester certainly have a lot to offer. We hope you consider applying!
Staff Openings
Research Scientist, Image Permanence Institute
The Image Permanence Institute at the RIT College of Art and Design is seeking a highly skilled and motivated Research Scientist to advancing knowledge and research in the chemical degradation and stability of cultural heritage collection materials. This position is ideal for individuals with expertise in materials testing, atmospheric pollutants, chemical interactions, organic chemistry, or chemical engineering. The appointed researcher will conduct independent research, collaborate on multi-scholar projects and lead specific components of larger research programs under the direction of a senior or principal researcher. This role involves publishing research results and findings in peer-reviewed journals, producing reports and contributing to workshops and conferences, and supporting educational programs related to preservation science.
Adjunct Faculty Openings
Art History
The School of Art, located within the College of Art and Design at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is interested in finding qualified adjunct instructors to teach courses in the following areas:
- ARTH 135 Survey: Ancient to Medieval Art
- ARTH 136 Survey: Renaissance to Modern Art
These global art history survey courses are lower-division courses generally taken by first-year students. We offer multiple introductory survey courses in art history, with each course section comprising 50 students. Students are primarily from the BFA programs within the College of Art and Design, but may also be from programs outside the college.
Art history survey courses incorporate the following learning outcomes:
- Describe how and why objects and images were produced.
- Analyze and compare the functions and meanings of works of art within their historical and social contexts.
- Articulate how works of art visually express meaning using discipline-specific vocabulary.
- Recognize elements of artistic style considering how style is defined and categorized
- Describe and explain relationships between works of art produced in different cultures, including instances of cultural exchange, influence, and/or appropriation
We value teaching that is innovative, topical, and engaging, and that will help students develop skills in critical thinking and analysis. We may consider proposals for classes on other topics within art history, but our primary needs are the courses listed above. We seek an individual to live our values, embrace diverse perspectives, and nurture the RIT community to remain a great place to work for all; who has the ability and interest in leading and contributing to a community committed to student-centeredness; professional development and scholarship; integrity and ethics; respect; innovation and flexibility; and teamwork and collaboration. Select to view links to RIT’s core values, honor code, and statement of diversity.
Adjunct instructors are responsible for:
- Leading regular class meetings during the semester, for a total of 45 contact hours per three-credit lecture class
- Designing course materials (lectures, assignments, assessments) to deliver the assigned course as described in the course outline
- Assessing student coursework
Expected qualifications:
- Minimum of an MA in Art History
- Experience teaching at the university level
Salary range: $3,600 - $5,400 per section, depending on experience and degree level
The School of Art is home to 27 full-time faculty members leading programs in ceramics, expanded forms, furniture design, glass, illustration, medical illustration, metals and jewelry design, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. There are 37 adjunct faculty teaching in the School of Art. The minor in art history is based in the School of Art. Graduate programs in the School of Art are offered in fine arts studio and art education; the connected School for American Crafts houses graduate programs in glass, furniture design, metals and jewelry design, and ceramics. To learn more about the programs, faculty, and students in SOA, please visit
Please send your CV to: Sarah Thompson, Associate Professor of Art History, Art History Coordinator,
RIT does not discriminate. RIT promotes and values diversity, pluralism and inclusion in the work place. RIT provides equal opportunity to all qualified individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, marital status, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientations, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, veteran status or disability in its hiring, admissions, educational programs and activities. For more information or inquiries, please visit RIT/TitleIX or the U.S. Department of Education at www.ED.Gov/OCR.