Portrait Photography Light

Below is a selection of images created by Advertising Photography and Visual Media students for their final assignment in senior lecturer Clay Patrick McBride's Lighting Control and Manipulation course.
The class provides an opportunity for the experimentation with portrait photography and photographic light and its manipulation in a variety of situations. These photos represent the entire semester's lesson plan.
With students working on long-term projects in the class, they are encouraged to develop a unique, personal and stylized vision. Assignments range from portrait photography in the studio to complex locations, from simple still-life setups to intricate sets with groups of people. Methods of controlling a variety of lighting devices, both strobe and continuous source, are demonstrated and discussed.
Several critiques are held throughout the semester to guide and shape the work. The portrait photography environment can be in or out of the studio, and the subjects can be people or still life — the work being 100 percent authentic is what McBride considers most important.
Main portrait photography by Candice Grimes