Stereo Capture and Display System
Stereoscopic 3D motion pictures have recently risen to popularity once again following the success of films such as James Cameron’s Avatar. More and more films are being converted to 3D but few films are being shot in 3D. Current available technology and knowledge of that technology (along with cost) is preventing most films from being shot in 3D. Shooting in 3D is an advantage because two slightly different images are produced that mimic the two images the eyes see in normal vision.
Currently, RIT’s School of Film and Animation is not fully equipped to produce 3D films. The goal of this project was to create an entire workflow that can be easily utilized by SoFA students. A camera rig was built to be used with two Canon 5D Mark II cameras, which are readily available to SoFA students.
Linear polarization stereo projection system
Stereo Capture and Display at RIT
Download the attached paper to see a summary of the stereo research project completed at RIT