R2@Saunders 2023

Research with Purpose

Faculty in Saunders College of Business are engaged in research that addresses current industry and societal trends.

This inaugural annual issue of Research Revelations @ Saunders (R2@Saunders) features Saunders research that is solving current real-world business problems and societal challenges, such as managing risks and disruptions in supply chains, especially due to climate change (we all remember the recent Panama Canal supply chain disruption!!); developing innovative and sustainable alternatives to resource-intensive software development strategies; dispelling myths associated with options investments; identifying fake online reviews associated with e-commerce; managing the preservation-modernization paradox inherent in firm strategy; and investigating the burgeoning “will travel for food” trend.

Recent events have exposed vulnerabilities and risks associated with supply chain disruptions due to pandemic and weather events. Professor Laharish Guntuka and his co-authors collaborated on a research project conducted by the University of Maryland Supply Chain Center and Supply Chain mapping firm Resilinc to study supply chain disruption risks and recovery, especially due to climate change. This work was recently published in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Harvard Business Review.

As per a recent Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report, with 99% of Fortune 500 companies using “open” software, it is a mainstream movement that firms need to manage and integrate into their corporate strategy.  Professor Manlu Liu collected qualitative data from the Kauli initiative over a 10-year period and, along with her co-authors (Professors Sean Hansen and John Tu), examined ways in which collaborative consortium-based open source software (COSS) development can be a strategic alternative to resource-intensive in-house development or misaligned software acquisition. This alternative is innovative and sustainable. Their research was published in The Journal of Strategic Information Systems.

Many of us rely on reviews of products and services, but how do we know whether these reviews are real or fake? Professors Ali Tosyali and Gijs Overgoor used network analysis and machine learning to develop a highly accurate method for detecting fake reviews. Their research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In other research published in the Journal of Finance, Professor Mehdi Khorram investigates the performance of options investments across different stocks by computing monthly returns on at-the-money straddles on individual equities and dispels some myths around options investment.

Companies struggle with the paradox of preserving their past that made them successful while also changing to adapt for the future. To help us understand and manage this paradox, in research published in the Academy of Management Journal, Professor Rich DeJordy and his co-authors study how leaders with divergent visions – one rooted in the past and another geared towards modernizing for the future – come together to create a novel and successful strategy, during the quartz crisis in the Swiss watchmaking industry for Switzerland’s largest watchmaking company.

With food trails predicted as one of the biggest travel trends for 2023, have you wondered if food travel has any impact on life satisfaction and other metrics of happiness? Professor Muhammet Kesgin, in an article published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, finds that food travel positively impacts quality of life, individual well-being, and satisfaction with life.

That’s all for this edition - Happy researching!!

Shal Khazanchi
Associate Dean Research and Graduate Programs

In this R2@Saunders edition

Featured Research

Storms on the Horizon

How supply chains are at risk from climate change.
Harvard Business Review
Read more

Balancing innovation and sustainability

Can exploration and exploitation be balanced effectively in consortium-based open source software development?
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Read more

How do you spot a fake Amazon review?

New research by Saunders professors offers a way.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Read more

A strategy paradox in Swiss timekeeping.

How leaders with opposing visions find a new path forward.
Academy of Management Journal
Read more

Weighing Your Options

Options momentum. New findings reveal a promising investment strategy.
Forthcoming in the Journal of Finance
Read more

External Grants and Awards

Professor Clyde Eiríkur Hull and Co-PIs, received a $1 Million grant to partner with ASEAN countries to provide training on circular economy principles. Funded by the United States Department of State with U.S.-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation (STIC) and U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership (USASCP).

Amazon Science Award recognized professor Gijs Overgoor for using video summarization to generate effective short video ads

Mother Cabrini Health Foundation awarded professors Jerrie Hsieh and Muhammet Kesgin a $250,000 hospitality workforce training grant for training refugees and immigrants in the hospitality industry. 

Professors Jerrie Hsieh, Muhammet Kesgin, and Edwin Torres Areizaga received The Stalter Foundation Grant for studying labor shortage and talent retention in the hospitality industry. 

Professor Emi Moriuchi received the prestigious Fulbright specialist award as a co-investigator for a project funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, FORMAS. The project is a collaboration on an eye-tracking study among three countries: Sweden, Japan, and the US.

Professor Joy Olabisi was included in the honor roll of Responsible Research in Business and Management and received Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network seed funding for her research on immigrant entrepreneurs.

Professor Sandra Rothenberg is Co-PI on an NIH grant to study a digital cognitive behavioral therapy platform for treating addiction, and key senior personnel on an NSF grant “Bridging the gap between Essential Emergency Resources and Services and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in Monroe County NY: A Geospatial-Visual Approach."

New Faculty Hires

Kyunghoon Ban headshot

Kyunghoon Ban
Assistant Professor
Finance and Accounting
Ph.D., Iowa State University

Areas of expertise
applied econometrics with causal inference
Consumer-side welfare analysis incorporating the demand system estimation

Soon Hyeok (Steve) Choi - headshot

Soon Hyeok Choi
Assistant Professor
International Hospitality and Service Innovation, Ph.D., Cornell University

Areas of expertise
real estate finance (residential, commercial, hospitality)
corporate finance
durable asset financing
asset price bubbles
financial inclusion

Debanjana Dey headshot

Debanjana Dey
Assistant Professor
International Hospitality and Service Innovation
Ph.D., University of Central Florida

Areas of expertise
housing market
urban economics
hospitality real estate
household finance

Research in the News

Saunders values publications that translate and make academic research accessible for practitioners. Based on their research, Professors Clyde Hull, Rick Lagiewski, Raj Murthy, and Michael Palanski have written for The Conversation. Recently, Professor Murthy also wrote the cover story for the Cybersecurity Special Section in The Wall Street Journal

Saunders faculty research is also cited in the local and national news media, including the following examples.

Students watching a professor at a white board

Amplifying Voice in Organizations

Endorsing your colleague’s idea at work is beneficial for both of you! Why? Amplification - the public endorsement of another person’s idea with attribution.

Research Insights: How do you spot a fake Amazon review?

Using Network Science to Spot Fake Reviews

Research from professors Gijs Overgoor, Ph.D., and Ali Tosyali, Ph.D., utilizes network science to spot fake reviews on Amazon.


5 Sneaky Ways to Spot a Fake Amazon Review
The Penny Hoarder mentions research by Ali Tosyali and Gijs Overgoor.

Your Online Account May Have Been Breached? Don’t Just Sit There. Do Something.
The Wall Street Journal, lead story in Cybersecurity special section, by Rajendran Murthy.

How a local auto workers strike could affect the economy of Western New York
WHAM-TV talks to Laharish Guntuka about the ripple effect from an auto workers strike.

Robocalls are out, robotexts are in. What to know about the growing phone scam
Yahoo! repurposes a story from USA Today that includes Rajendran Murthy, talking about robocalls and robotexts.

View full Saunders Research News 

Faculty Research Interviews

Digital Transformation

Finance and Accounting

Strategy and Innovation

Voice conversation agents and customer satisfaction | Emi Moriuchi

Are algorithms leading to mispriced EFTs | Archana Jain

Strategy for divergent visions | Richard DeJordy

Ethics and algorithmic decision-making systems | Sean Hansen

Accounting conservatism and qualitative disclosures | Ashok Robin

Chinese media sets tone for polluters | Zhi Tang

Launched: Ph.D. In Business Administration

Saunders College of Business admitted its first cohort of students into the college’s new Ph.D. in business administration this fall, marking the university’s inaugural social sciences doctoral program. The program is designed to inspire and train scholars to identify, investigate, and solve unique business challenges that lie at the intersection of business and technology. The program has three areas of specialization: (1) Digital Transformation; (2) Strategy and Innovation; (3) Finance & Accounting. Meet our students:

Negin Haghi


Finance and Accounting

Tehran, Iran

Biomedical Engineering in Bioelectrics
MBA in Finance
Amirkabir University of Technology

Cindy Okoh


Finance and Accounting

Delta, Nigeria

B.S. Economics
Federal University of Agriculture
M.S. in Finance
Lagos State University

Biju Varghese


Digital Transformation

Trivandrum, India

B.S. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
M.S. in Computer Engineering
Syracuse University

Affiliate Centers

Key research centers at RIT

Faculty Resources

Link to Faculty Resources