Books and Pieces

Works by Scott McCarney
Books & Pieces: Works by Scott McCarney from the Artists’ Book Collection of the Cary Graphic Arts Collection Annotated with Ephemera Describing the Conception and Realization of the Work
January 16 to March, 23, 2012
Reception: Thursday, January 19, 2012 4 to 7 p.m.
Gallery Talk: Thursday, February 9 5:30 to 7 p.m.
RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection, The Wallace Center at RIT (2nd floor)
Information: 585-475-2408
Scott McCarney’s latest exhibition features the RIT holdings of his work with additional artifacts and process material, giving the viewer a rare glimpse into the creation of his innovative bookworks. Please join us at the exhibition opening reception on January 19, as well as his gallery talk on February 9, 2012. All are welcome.
Scott McCarney is a local Rochester book artist and teacher, with a far-reaching reputation in his craft. His work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Center for Book Arts and Printed Matter Inc. in New York City; Tower Fine Arts Gallery in Brockport, NY; Minnesota Center for Book Arts in Minneapolis; University of the West of England; and other locations throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and more. He received his B.F.A. from Virginia Commonwealth University, and his M.F.A. from SUNY University at Buffalo and Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY.
He has received numerous awards, including the New York State Foundation for the Arts Fellowship (printmaking/drawing book arts) and multiple Special Opportunity Stipends from NYFA/Rochester Arts & Cultural Council. McCarney's work is featured in many permanent collections, including those of the Getty Center in Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art Library in New York City and the Photographic Resource Center in Boston, among others.
Scott McCarney is a 2011 Artist Fellowship recipient of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). This presentation is co-sponsored by Artist & Audiences Exchange, a NYFA public program, funded with leadership support from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA.)