Uli Linke
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
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Department of Sociology and Anthropology Rocheste
Uli Linke
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
BA, Macalester College; MA, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley
Select Scholarship
Full Length Book
Kray, Christine A. and Uli Linke (eds). Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. 1st ed. London, UK: Routledge, 2022. Print.
Fenner, Angelica and Uli Linke (eds). Contemporary Remediations of Race and Ethnicity in German Visual Cultures. Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World (http://transit.berkeley.edu/archives/volume-9-2/) ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2014. Web.
Linke, Uli and Danielle T. Smith (eds). Cultures of Fear: A Critical Reader. 1st ed. London, UK: Pluto Press, 2009. Print.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Linke, Uli. AMPS and University College London Press. UCL Press Journal Award for Excellence in Scholarship (article: The Optics of Dispossession). London, UK, 2022.
Book Chapter
Linke, Uli. "Love Politics: The Nation Form and the Affective Life of the State." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. London, UK: Routledge, 2021. 25-46. Print.
Kray, Christine A. and Uli Linke. "Introduction: The Fascist Allure." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. London, UK: Routledge, 2021. 1-22. Print.
Linke, Uli. "Language as Battleground: ‘Speaking’ the Nation, Lingual Citizenship, and Diversity Management in Post-Unification Germany." Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany. Ed. Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald. New York/Oxford, USA and UK: Berghahn Books, 2019. 41-66. Print.
Journal Paper
Linke, Uli. "The Optics of Dispossession: Urban Precarity as Political Art." Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS) 20. 1: 4 (2021): 1-18. Web.
Linke, Uli. "Speaking in Tongues: Language and National Belonging in Globalizing Europe." disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory 25. 8 (2016): 84-102. Web.
Fenner, Angelica and Uli Linke. "Cultivating Peripheral Vision: An Introduction." Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World 9. 2 (special issue: Remediations of Race and Ethnicity in German Visual Cultures) (2014): 1-12. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Linke, Uli. "Love Politics: The Nation Form and the Affective Live of the State." Annual Meeting (virtual), session “Truth, Responsibility, and Political Stagecraft in the Era of Trumpism". American Anthropological Association. Baltimore, MD. 20 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Linke, Uli. "Paradoxical Obsessions: Gender, Race, Nation, and Other Trauma Tropes." Annual Meeting, session on “Trumpian Political Stagecraft: The Global Reaches of an Aggrieved White Patriarchal Nationalism". National Women's Studies Association. Virtual, USA. 15 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Linke, Uli. "The Optics of Dispossession: Urban Poverty as Political Art." Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, and Media. Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS). Canterbury (virtual), UK. 29-30 Jun. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Published Review
Linke, Uli. "Book review." Rev. of Encoding Race, Encoding Class: Indian IT Workers in Berlin, by Sareeta Amrute. Anthropos: International Journal of Anthropology and Linguistics 1 Mar. 2017: 635-635. Print.
Linke, Uli. "Book Review." Rev. of Anthropology at War: World War I and the Science of Race in Germany, by Andrew D. Evans. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17(3) 2011: 676-677. Print.
Linke, Uli. Rev. of Beyond the Gymnasium: Educating the Middle-Class Bodies in Classical Germany, by Heikki Lempa. The American Historical Review, 115.1 (2010): 310-311. Print.
Invited Article/Publication
Linke, Uli. "Anthropology of Collective Memory." International Encyclopedia for Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 4 (Oxford: Elsevier), pp. 181-187. (2015). Print.
Published Article
Linke, Uli.“Body-Shock: The Political Aesthetics of Death.” Social Analysis, 54.2 (2010):80-98. Print. “
Linke, Uli. “Fortress Europe: Globalization, Militarization, and the Policing of Interior Borderlands.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 23-24 (2010): 100-120. Print. «
Formal Presentation
Linke, Uli. “Mobile Imaginaries, Portable Signs: The Global Consumption of Iconic Representations of Slum Life.” International Conference: Destination Slum: The Production and Consumption of Poverty in Travel and Tourism. Bristol, UK. 9-11 Dec. 2010. Presentation.
Currently Teaching
Global Cities
3 Credits
This course examines the impact of global dynamics on cities from the early 20th century to the present. By tracing urban formations from metropolis to global city, emphasis will be placed on the making of identities, communities, and citizens in the architectural spaces, cultural places, ethnic zones, and media traces of urban life in the context of globalization.
Visual Anthropology
3 Credits
We see others as we imagine them to be, in terms of our values, not as they see themselves. This course examines ways in which we understand and represent the reality of others through visual media, across the boundaries of culture, gender, and race. It considers how and why visual media can be used to represent or to distort the world around us. Pictorial media, in particular ethnographic film and photography, are analyzed to document the ways in which indigenous and native peoples in different parts of the world have been represented and imagined by anthropologists and western popular culture.
Senior Research Project
3 Credits
Students will write a library-based research paper or research proposal, bringing to bear the knowledge, methodological skills, and theoretical perspectives accumulated during the prior years of study.
Scholar's Thesis I
3 Credits
This is the first course of a two-semester Scholar's Thesis sequence in anthropology, in which students will conduct an original research project. In this first course, working with a thesis advisor, students will formulate a research question, conduct a literature review, prepare the research design, write a research proposal, and begin data collection, following the conventions of cultural anthropology or archaeology.
Senior Research Project
3 Credits
Students will write a library-based research paper or research proposal, bringing to bear the knowledge, methodological skills, and theoretical perspectives accumulated during the prior years of study.
In the News
March 28, 2019
Student Spotlight: Student receives COLA Kearse Writing Award
Meet Jen VanStrander, a fourth-year international and global studies student from Rochester, N.Y., who will be honored as one of this year’s recipients of the College of Liberal Arts Kearse Undergraduate Writing Awards.
February 18, 2022
Linke honored for article on urban dispossession
September 10, 2021
Kray and Linke co-edit book on ‘Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era’