Faculty and Staff Resources

Faculty and Staff Resources
- RIT/
- College of Liberal Arts/
- About/
- Faculty and Staff Resources
- Advising Resources
- Calendar (College of Liberal Arts)
- Concerns About Students: How to Address
- Crisis Response
- Curriculum Management
- Events and Events Planning
- Marketing and Communications
- Organizational Chart and Planning
- Orientation for New CLA Employees
- Promotional (Swag) Items
- Strategic Bridge Plan for the College of Liberal Arts
- Training and “How To” Instructions
Support, information, and helpful resources to help you navigate our organization and excel in your career at RIT’s College of Liberal Arts. You’ll find many of these resources within a shared Google drive that you can access anytime with your RIT login credentials.
Calendar for the College of Liberal Arts
- 2024-25 Year-at-a-Glance Calendar: From orientation through to commencement, this printable College of Liberal Arts calendar provides a year-at-a-glance view of activities, events, annual celebrations and more for the College of Liberal Arts.
Download the 2024-25 College of Liberal Arts Calendar
Concerns About Students
Faculty and staff are often the first people to notice and step in to offer help when a student is struggling, but you don’t need to handle it alone. Read about RIT resources, tools, and support. >
Crisis Response
For Immediate Threats to Safety, Contact RIT Public Safety
If you feel threatened or fear for your safety, contact RIT Public Safety immediately:
- Phone: 585-475-3333
- Text: 585-205-8333
- Confidential Tip Line
RIT Emergency Information and Management
Detailed information about how RIT responds to and manages crises such as external disasters, weather related closings, emergency plans and actions, and more can be found at the RIT Emergency Information website.
Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) on Campus
- Liberal Arts Hall, near room 2910
- Eastman Hall, near room 1911
- AED locations (campus map) >
Curriculum Management
See the RIT webpage for curriculum management. Please collaborate with you unit chair and program director on any curricular proposals
Events and Events Planning
- Read the College of Liberal Arts Guide to Planning and Promoting Your Department Event > The guide has step by step instructions as well as an overview of all the ways you can amplify the news of your event.
- College of Liberal Arts department chairs and program directors have access to the 07 Events Folder in the shared drive (login access required), which includes information on promotion, catering, and more.
- If your event or activity involves minors (a person under the age of 18), then you must register it with the RIT Youth Protection Portal in compliance with RIT's Protection of Minors Policy, which ensures that program staff complete required screening and understand their responsibilities for youth protection. Screenings can take up to three weeks to complete. More information for program organizers >
Questions about College of Liberal Arts Events?
Contact Kerri Johnson, Events Manager, Dean's Office, College of Liberal Arts, 585-475-5484, kasadm@rit.edu.
Marketing and Communications
- Guidance for COLA Departments on Marketing, Media and Public Relations, and Outreach>
- Tips and tools (pdf document) for promoting your program, your students, and your work independently and in partnership with CLA and institutional marketing and communications. Plus, resources for sharing news and compelling stories that illustrate the distinct values of an RIT College of Liberal Arts education such as student, alumni, researcher, and faculty spotlights content forms and more.
- Templates for branded posters, flyers, social media graphics, event programs, and more. Contact Kim Walters, CLA marketing and communications director, to request access and learn more.>
- RIT Newsmakers Form for sharing news about your, your students’, and our alumni accomplishments so it can be published on rit.edu and in the RIT News and Events newsletter that is sent campus-wide weekly.
- A Guide to Conversations About the College of Liberal Arts: Whether it's over dinner with friends or during an open house event, being able to clearly and compellingly articulate what makes the College of Liberal Arts is key. Within this guide (pdf document), you'll find our brief elevator pitch as well as more in-depth supporting points. Like the RIT institutional elevator pitch, our statement intends to encapsulate the value we offer to students, to our university, and to our world. Read more > Download a pdf >
Organizational Chart and Planning
Guidance for connecting with the right team member for support in your work.
- Dean’s Office and Office of Student Services organizational chart and listing of key roles and responsibilities for each team member. Go to Google doc >
- Coming soon! Department Chairs, Program Directors, and Staff Support.
- The RIT Organizational Chart (RIT login required)
Promotional (Swag) Items
If promotional items (e.g. swag) need to be produced for an event or for your department, determine your budget source, budget line number, quantity needed, deadline by which item(s) need to be produced and on campus for distribution.
Contact The Hub to learn more about the types of promotional items that are available, their costs, and how long they take to produce.
Additional RIT-approved vendors are listed on the RIT Brand Portal. > Consult with your selected vendor to determine purchasing processes, required lead times for production, and production specifications.
If you’d like to use a vendor that is not on the approved list list, direct your vendor to Jessica Hishman in Procurement for information on how to apply for a license. Vendors MUST be approved prior to doing work for the University.
Designs for imprinted items must adhere to RIT branding guidelines and are subject to the review and approval of University Marketing and Communications prior to production. The process of creating a design and obtaining approval to produce can take up to two to four weeks depending on the complexity of the project and the workload volume of the team members. Careful planning well in advance will help to ensure your promotional item is ready in time for your event.
If you have questions regarding producing and paying for promotional items, contact your immediate supervisor.
If you have questions regarding branding, please contact Kim Walters, marketing and communications director for the College of Liberal Arts.
Strategic Bridge Plan for the College of Liberal Arts
The College of Liberal Arts Strategic Bridge Plan, the result of a collaborative, community-engaged process, provides a focused set of strategies and tactics aimed at continuing to move the college forward during its current transitional period.
College of Liberal Arts 2024-25 Strategic Bridge Plan (pdf document) >
Training and “How To” Instructions
Using rit.edu/MyRit
A university-wide site with links to resources such as:
- start.rit.edu (for modifying your information, email, and contact info)
- myinfo (paycheck, benefits, time off requests)
- myCourses
- Kronos
- SIS Student
- Plus, links to commonly sought information and forms regarding HR, IT, and more.
Go to rit.edu/MyRIT >
How to update your RIT directory profile.
Read instructions in this pdf document >
How to get your directory profile photo taken.
Directory photos are taken by the university Marketing and Communications Photography team on an ongoing basis. They maintain a portrait sitting schedule and periodically email RIT employees to invite them to sign up for their portraits by going to this scheduling site. Appointment slots fill up quickly and new slots are added and announced by email as needed.