Double Majors
You’re uniquely you. So make your education – yours.
Double majors are a way to customize your education to best reflect your interests, career goals, and your marketability after you graduate.
The future is multidisciplinary. The new economy is driving unprecedented changes in how we work, the skills for success, and the types of jobs people will do. With a double major, you can customize your education for your unique interests and career goals, while at the same time boost your marketability for the workplace of tomorrow.

Two is always greater than one — especially when it comes to investing in your education.
You are not one dimensional and, at RIT, your college education doesn’t have to be either. If you’re curious, driven, and creative, choosing to pursue a double major lets you tap into every dimension of you — your interests, your strengths, your full potential.
And, as a double major at RIT, you won’t have to compromise on taking advantage of RIT's high impact extracurricular and experiential learning options like co-ops and internships, study abroad, and more. You’ll have time to go for it all, and we’re committed to helping you do it.
What does it mean to double major?
When you choose to double major, you select two RIT undergraduate major programs and progress through the curriculum of each over the course of your four years. Create and strategically shape your educational experience and progress each semester, working closely with your academic advisor and faculty mentors.
You decide. You create the plan.
Combinations for double majors are virtually unlimited. Imagine, for example:
- Advertising and Public Relations BS + Marketing BS: Become a pro at delivering the right message to the right audience with winning results.
- Biomedical Sciences BS + International and Global Studies BS: Prepare to make biomedical breakthroughs in a world that is interconnected.
- Criminal Justice BS + Psychology BS: Understand human behavior and apply it to work in the criminal justice field.
- English BS + Game Design and Development BS: Learn to enthrall game players with story narratives that keep them guessing.
Double majors are different from dual majors. A double major is two majors within the same type of degree — for example, two BS majors, two BA majors, or two BFA majors. Dual majors are two majors within two different degree types, as in one BS + one BA major or one BFA + one BS major. Dual majors are an option that you can pursue, but they most often take more than four years (or eight semesters) to complete.
What is a Double Major Pathway?
RIT’s new Double Major Pathways provide a roadmap and support for every milestone. The curriculum has been pre-planned to ensure a timely progression and cross integration of coursework, helping you build your expertise and meaningfully connect two different majors, while still graduating on time.
These pathways strategically combine a College of Liberal Arts major with a STEM major to prepare grads for dynamic and growing career niches:
- Computer Science BS + Philosophy BS: Develop an ethical mindset and a broad understanding of the human experience to inform your approach to problem solving and technological advances.
- Computer Science BS + Economics BS: A growth in artificial intelligence, the advent of big data, and the complex scale of business operations makes expertise in both computer science and economics valuable to employers in every industry.
- Computer Science BS + Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies BS: Spearhead solutions for technological advances that create equity.
- Cybersecurity BS + Political Science BS: Political cybersecurity pros stave off threats and build stability.
- Game Design BS + Modern Languages and Cultures BS: Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and French language and culture studies help you design games for multiple cultures.
- New Media Interactive Development BS + Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies BS: Launch a career in new media that makes connections with all people, genders, and identities.
- Human Centered Computing BS + Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies BS: Become a trailblazer for progress by pairing the women’s, gender, and sexuality studies major with this new economy major.
How does an RIT double major prepare you for success?
Ready to begin?
New RIT Students:
If you’re a new applicant to RIT, you can apply to double major from the start. Get details on how to apply to RIT here. >
Current RIT Students:
Let's connect. > If you have already begun at RIT, you can choose to double major as early as your first semester. (Although, many students wait until they have completed their first semester.) Either way, discuss the best timing with an academic advisor.
The College of Liberal Arts Office of Student Services advising staff are highly trained professional advisors who can help you select appropriate courses for your degree or interests, develop a plan of study, and explain RIT’s policies and procedures. They are part of a team of advisors, including two faculty advisors in your areas of study and a professional academic advisor in your primary major, that works together to help you get the most out of your education and keep you on track for graduation.
Your first step: Connect with us.
Let's talk about your ideas, interests, and goals. Schedule a meeting with a College of Liberal Arts academic advisor.