Backup and Restore

Everyone has data that is vital to them, or is required to be backed up to meet RIT requirements. GCCIS does not provide backup software or storage for students.

Students Backups:

Student Options to protect your files include:

  • KGCOE Git Lab
  • (RIT google drive)
  • MyCourses Locker
  • RIT OneDrive
  • Dropbox, Box, etc.
  • Flash Drives \ External Hard drives

NOTE: If you lose a drive, have a text file with who it belongs to on the drive - all items are turned in to the GCCIS Deans office.

Faculty and Staff:

RIT employees have RIT data that must be protected in accordance with RIT policy.

Examples include:

  • Public
    • Information that may be accessed or communicated by anyone without restriction and has no special handling requirements associated with it.
  • Internal
    • Information that is restricted to RIT faculty, staff, students, alumni, contractors, volunteers, and business associates for the conduct of Institute business. Internal information could include building floor plans and specific library collections.
  • Confidential
    • Information that is restricted to a need-to-know basis and due to legal, contractual, ethical, or other constraints may not be accessed or communicated without specific authorization. Confidential information could include educational records, health information, and University Identification Numbers (UIDs).
  • Private
    • Information that is confidential and which could be used for identity theft. Private information also has additional mandates associated with its protection. Private information could include Social Security Number, driver's license number, and financial account information. These are all forms of information that could be used for identity theft.


Golisano employees have access to Crashplan backup software. This is an RIT service that once installed and configured will automatically back up your data and offers the capability to restore data individually as needed. Crashplan should be installed on your system automatically by GCCIS Technical Operations. 

Windows Install Verification:

To verify if Crashplan is installed open the Start Menu -> All Programs -> CrashPlan. Click on the CrashPlan icon to open the CrashPlan application. If the tray icon in the bottom right hand corners looks greyed out, it means you haven't signed in to CrashPlan and it isn't backing anything up: Open the application by double clicking on the icon.

Apple Install Verification:

To verify a CrashPlan installation on a Mac, open your Applications folder and check if "CrashPlan" is listed; you can also look for the CrashPlan icon in the menu bar at the top right corner of your screen; if you click on the icon, it should open the CrashPlan application where you can confirm your login status and backup settings. 

Crashplan Install Documentation:

If Crashplan is not installed, please follow these instructions. If you would like assistance, please reach out to

If you want to modify what is backed up or restore data: Select the Crashplan application and enter your RIT credentials to access. Select data to restore or folders to add/remove from backup.

RIT Information Handling and Services

The RIT Information Handling and Services Matrix “provides information about the different classifications of information at RIT and determines how the information can be used and who has permission to access it.” The following information was obtained from the RIT Information Handling and Services Matrix and the Portable Media Standard.

If any conflict(s) between the information below and RIT policies, including Information Security Standards, arises, the RIT policies, including Information Security Standards, apply. Review RIT policy C08.1 Information Security Policy and Information Security Standards for more information.

Non RIT administered backup platforms/solutions, including portable media (e.g., USB drives, CDs, DVDs, backup tapes) and non RIT administered cloud services/platforms, including, but not limited to, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, DropBox, Box, GitHub, Azure, GCP, Oracle, and AWS, may only store public and internal information. Backup of confidential or private information is prohibited. Data that is backed up must be encrypted using an approved encryption method. RIT strongly discourages storing information on portable media.

RIT administered document management, such as RIT Google Workspace and RIT Microsoft OneDrive, may only be used to store public and internal information. All other Google components, such as sites and photos, may only store public information.

RIT myCourses may be used to store public, internal, and confidential information.

RIT network file storage/shares may only be used to store public and internal information.

Additional Resources