Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • November 6, 2020

    side-by-side portraits of a student and a faculty member.

    Podcast: Native Americans in Higher Education 

    Intersections: The RIT Podcast, Ep. 39: Nicole Scott, director of RIT’s Native American Future Stewards Program, and Abigail Reigner, a second-year mechanical engineering student who is the regional student representative for the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, discuss life as Native Americans in higher education, learning about Native cultures, and some of the unique ways RIT partners with tribal nations and organizations.

  • September 16, 2020

    Portrait of Robert Frasca

    RIT invests in blockchain-focused fund Cosimo X

    Cosimo X invests in businesses that use digital assets and blockchain protocols to advance the digital economy. According to industry experts, the investment by RIT marks the first time that any university in the United States has directly invested in a tokenized venture fund. The fund’s parent company, Cosimo Ventures, was co-founded six years ago by RIT alumnus Robert Frasca ’88 (mechanical engineering).

  • June 11, 2020

    Jim Swift '88, president and CEO, Cortera.

    RIT Rallies: Finding a financial heartbeat during COVID-19

    As businesses look to reopen and jumpstart the COVID-19 stalled economy, RIT alumnus Jim Swift finds himself a much sought-after adviser. Swift ’88 is president and chief executive officer of Cortera, a national business intelligence company that is providing analytics on an estimated $1.5 trillion annual business-to-business transactions — data that businesses need to determine their future.

  • May 8, 2020

    Manuela Campanelli, Satish Kandlikar, and James Perkins

    RIT Honors Distinguished Faculty Awardees for 2020

    RIT honored its 2020 class of Distinguished Faculty—Manuela Campanelli, Satish Kandlikar and James Perkins. The Distinguished Professor designation is given to tenured faculty who have shown continued excellence over their careers in teaching, scholarly contributions, lasting contributions in creative and professional work and service to both the university and community.

  • April 26, 2020

    Jeff Benck.

    RIT Rallies: Making the products for frontline workers

    Jeff Benck ’88 (mechanical engineering) is the president and CEO of Benchmark, a global provider of engineering, design and manufacturing services. Benchmark is working with about 10 clients who are making products that will help treat patients infected with COVID-19.

  • April 15, 2020

    An enlarged image of the different bioparticles found in a specimen.

    RIT researchers build micro-device to detect bacteria, viruses

    Ke Du and Blanca Lapizco-Encinas, both faculty-researchers in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering, worked with an international team to collaborate on the design of a next-generation miniature lab device that uses magnetic nano-beads to isolate minute bacterial particles that cause diseases. This new technology improves how clinicians isolate drug-resistant strains of bacterial infections and difficult-to-detect micro-particles such as those making up Ebola and coronaviruses.

  • April 2, 2020

    Woman holding face mask and protective shield.

    RIT Rallies: Bringing expertise to battle with Coronavirus

    Many RIT faculty, students, staff and alumni are among the collaborations here and across the nation, providing expertise to improve or create much-needed equipment and protective gear for medical personnel fighting the Coronavirus.