
  • April 26, 2020

    Jeff Benck.

    RIT Rallies: Making the products for frontline workers

    Jeff Benck ’88 (mechanical engineering) is the president and CEO of Benchmark, a global provider of engineering, design and manufacturing services. Benchmark is working with about 10 clients who are making products that will help treat patients infected with COVID-19.

  • April 20, 2020

    illustration of coronavirus.

    RIT Rallies: Alumnae contributed to antibody test recently launched by Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

    Maria Romero-Creel ’17 (biomedical engineering) and Wendy Salamone ’10 (biotechnology) are just two of the people responsible for the analyzer database update launched by Ortho Clinical Diagnostics on April 14. The team is responsible for ensuring that calibrations, precision fluid information and analyzer settings for new assays like COVID-19 are properly entered and working for analyzers in the field.

  • April 20, 2020

    Overhead view of open laptop on kitchen table next to mug of coffee, notepad and cell phone.

    RIT announces summer session course offerings in online format

    Registration is open for RIT's first set of summer sessions that will be offered in an online format. The goals are for students to continue making progress toward their degrees, earn additional credit hours to catch up or get ahead, or explore interests outside of their majors.

  • April 15, 2020

    An enlarged image of the different bioparticles found in a specimen.

    RIT researchers build micro-device to detect bacteria, viruses

    Ke Du and Blanca Lapizco-Encinas, both faculty-researchers in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering, worked with an international team to collaborate on the design of a next-generation miniature lab device that uses magnetic nano-beads to isolate minute bacterial particles that cause diseases. This new technology improves how clinicians isolate drug-resistant strains of bacterial infections and difficult-to-detect micro-particles such as those making up Ebola and coronaviruses.

  • April 2, 2020

    Woman holding face mask and protective shield.

    RIT Rallies: Bringing expertise to battle with Coronavirus

    Many RIT faculty, students, staff and alumni are among the collaborations here and across the nation, providing expertise to improve or create much-needed equipment and protective gear for medical personnel fighting the Coronavirus.

  • March 31, 2020

    Reuben Zielinski.

    Alumni Update: Get your cell phone wet? Redux has a solution

    Entrepreneur Reuben Zielinski ’85 (electrical engineering) ’96 (EMBA) believes that generating a great idea is actually the easiest part of the product development process. The hardest part? Convincing other people that what you have is a great idea and getting them to buy what you have developed.

  • March 31, 2020

    four researchers looking at computer that's analyzing a quantum photonics wafer.

    Making a quantum leap

    Researchers from RIT’s Future Photon Initiative, in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory, have produced the Department of Defense’s first-ever fully integrated quantum photonics wafer.