SD-CoMETS Scholarship Program

SD-CoMETS Scholarship Program
The National Science Foundation (Award #1930313) awarded RIT a five-year grant for the Self-Determined Critical Mass of Engineering Technology Scholar (SD-CoMETS) from its 2019 Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program. The purpose of this program is to expand and diversify the number of high-technology workers and to develop high-quality professionals in Engineering Technology. These scholarships are available to students accepted and starting an Engineering Technology major beginning academic years 2020-2022. SD-CoMETS scholarships are need-based, and are in addition to the grants and scholarships already awarded by RIT.
RIT’s College of Engineering Technology will award scholarships to 12 incoming freshmen each year who are enrolling full-time in one of the following majors:
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Mechatronics Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Each SD-CoMETS scholar will receive a scholarship of $3,750 per semester for the first five semesters in which they are enrolled in courses full-time, as long as they continue to meet scholarship requirements.
To be eligible to receive the SD-CoMETS grant recipients must:
- Be an academically successful incoming freshman who has submitted an application for admission by March 15 in the year that they are applying to RIT
- Be a citizen, national, refugee alien, or permanent resident alien of the United States of America
- Be accepted and enrolled full-time in one of the six participating Engineering Technology majors
- Demonstrate financial need as defined by the U.S. Department of Education and by the RIT Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships upon receipt of results from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Scholarship Renewal
The SD-CoMETS scholarship will be renewed each semester for the scholar’s first five academic (non-co-op) semesters, provided the SD-CoMETS scholar:
- to demonstrates financial need
- matriculated full-time in any of the six participating majors
- a semester GPA ≥ 3 (on a 4.0 scale)
- the SD-CoMETS seminar
- at least one professional skills workshop or industrial tour each year
- with at least one outreach event each year
All SD-CoMETS scholars will be assigned a faculty and a peer mentor. It is expected that each scholar will meet with their mentors several times per year.
Scholar Resources
- Women in Technology (WIT)
- Leah Mackin, Student Services Staff Assistant, CET Dean's Office
- Society of Women Engineers
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Division of Diversity & Inclusion
- Provides programs & services to RIT students focused on academic support, leadership development, tutoring & scholarship
- Multicultural Center for Academic Success
- Building a community centered on trust, the Multicultural Center for Academic Success (MCAS) will strengthen the academic success of RIT’s AALANA (African, Latin, & Native American) student population
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers
- American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES)
- Engineers of Color Creating Opportunities (ECCO)
- General Inquiries
- Provides diversity initiatives & programs devoted to increasing the number of underrepresented AALANA student engineers in the college
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Offers a variety of services to RIT students to promote emotional health and well-being
- Get Support
- College of Engineering Technology’s Mental Health Therapist - Tom Peechat
- Ombuds Office
- Provides confidential & neutral assistance to students, faculty, and staff who have concerns affecting their studies or work.
- Public Safety
- Support Services – Gender Identity, Sexual Health & Positive Relationships
- Campus, Advocacy, Response & Support – group of trained & dedicated volunteers available outside of Counseling & Psychological Services business hours to support RIT students
- Academic Success Center
- How they help
- Time Management
- Study Skills
- Test Prep
- Math & Physics Concepts
- Tutoring
- For appointments
- How they help
- University Advising Office
- Help with questions related to academic advising & student success
- RIT Libraries
- Make an appointment
- Roman Koshykar – College of Engineering Technology’s Liaison Librarian
- Co-op & Career Services
- Undergraduate and Graduate students, as well as alumni, are supported through their career development and job search success for on-campus, co-op, and full-time jobs. We also provide tremendous support to our employer partners for their recruitment needs on-campus through career fairs, information sessions, and on-campus interviews.
- Career Services Coordinators by College
- Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement
- Prepare RIT students to exercise leadership as members of rapidly changing global community
- Contact
- Student Clubs & Organizations
- Women of Excellence Supporting STEM
- To unify, empower & promote excellence amongst women of all STEM disciplines.
- American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- AERO Design Team
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Society of Plastics Engineers
- Surface Mount Technology Association
- Student Environmental Action League
- SAE Baja
- SAE Clean Snowmobile
- Multi-Disciplinary Robotics Club
- VEX Robotics
- Women of Excellence Supporting STEM
To find SD-CoMETS related events, visit the RIT Events Calendar.
Frequently Asked Questions
You do not need to apply. If you are accepted as a full-time freshman for a BS in one of the six participating majors, you will be considered for the SD-CoMETS scholarship. You must demonstrate academic talent and financial need as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. This is determined by the RIT Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships upon receipt of results from FAFSA. Special consideration is given to applicants from groups who are underrepresented in Engineering Technology.
If you transfer to one of the six academic majors participating in the program, you will remain eligible for the scholarship. However, if you transfer to an academic major not participating in this program, your scholarship will not be renewed.
You must remain a full-time student (as defined by RIT) in the semester you receive the scholarship. You become ineligible for the scholarship if you become a part-time student.
Yes. You must successfully complete the one-semester SD-CoMETS seminar your first year, and attend at least one professional skills workshop or industrial tour and assist with at least one outreach event yearly. You must also maintain a semester GPA ≥ 3.0, be enrolled for a full-time academic load each semester and continue to demonstrate financial need.
Per NSF requirements, we need to inform NSF about your accomplishments during and after your education at RIT. Please inform Dr. Christman of achievements, such as winning an award or going on cooperative employment. When you graduate from RIT, please email her the name of your employer or plans for graduate school. You may also be asked to participate in surveys and focus group interviews to determine the efficacy of the SD-CoMETS scholarship program.
Our government is concerned about the shortage of qualified graduates, especially those from underrepresented groups, with majors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These federal funds, provided through the National Science Foundation, are to encourage and enable the achievement of baccalaureate degrees in these disciplines.