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Study intensive, academically focused English language courses in a university learning environment.

At RIT’s English Language Center, our comprehensive program helps prepare you for study at RIT or other universities. Our program meets US visa requirements for those who study English full-time.

In addition to our coursework, we provide a socially engaging, cross-cultural learning environment. Grow your confidence and cultural awareness in a variety of real-life social situations. Experience American culture in a friendly environment.

RIT Undergraduate Students

Prepare your language and cultural skills for your undergraduate degree at RIT.

Learn more for R I T Undergraduate Students

RIT Graduate Students

Study advanced language skills for research and professional purposes.

Learn more for R I T Graduate Students

English Language Students (Non-Degree)

Build your English skill and communication confidence. And join an active university community - without an RIT degree.

Learn more about becoming a non-degree english language student
