Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Research Seminar Series - Thermal Tuning of Sol-Gel Colloidal Packing

Title: Thermal tuning of sol-gel colloidal packing

Presented by: Jairo A. Díaz A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Abstract: Sol-gel droplets are powerful intermediaries in the production of colloidal particles in bulk. Yet, adjusting the size of a sol-gel droplet has proven difficult given the rapid interaction of several parameters controlling hydrolysis and condensation at short time scales. Here, I will present a tool to create sol-gel droplets that expand and shrink in response to temperature. A unique control over droplet size and emulsion packing is rapidly achieved and preserved in equilibrium. Further polymerization of either the droplets or the medium expands the number of colloidal shapes and porous media available to fabricate new materials in bulk with high precision.

Jairo Diaz Amaya
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 16, 2023
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Room/Location: 1180

Open to the Public

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