Citizen Science Workshop with Redshift Wrangler

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Citizen Science Workshop with Redshift Wrangler

Do you wanna play with galaxy spectra and have some free pizza? Of course you do!


Who = RIT APS and Astronomy club
Where = Carlson auditorium (CAR 1125)
When = Thursday November 16 5-6pm
Why = WHY NOT?

Redshift Wrangler is a citizen science project using measurements from volunteers to look back in time to the early universe. We look at the spectrum of light from galaxies to determine how far away they are and place them on a cosmic timeline (in other words, we're interested in how they change and evolve over time since the beginning of the universe). We use features in galaxy spectra to extract redshift values and estimate distances, determine star formation rate, metallicity, and AGN content of galaxies, and more.

Find out more about Redshift Wrangler here:

Sadie Coffin
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 16, 2023
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Room/Location: 1125

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


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