Experience Sustainability: A Dive Into Sustainability Careers

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Green roof with solar panels

Hear about the experiences and discoveries of those working in sustainability.

Careers in sustainable fields are growing exponentially, offering opportunity for people from every area of study to make an impact on the world. Hear from people working in sustainability about their experience in the field and the discoveries they've made, and see how you can integrate sustainability into your career path.

Tom Trabold, founder of Cinterest LLC, will share his work with biochar—a material created from organic waste that displaces high embodied carbon in the atmosphere and amends soil, reducing CO2 and improving crop productivity.

Ibrahim Cissé, an RIT Sustainable Systems grad, will return to RIT to talk about his role as a Corporate Sustainability Analyst with American Sugar Refining Inc—sugarcane being one of 3% of the world’s plants that achieve an amazing 25% of the Earth’s carbon sequestration.

Come for the talks, and then stay for the debate. Do you think biochar or sustainable agriculture can surpass other methods of carbon reduction? What sustainable approaches do you think have the most opportunity to change the world? Enjoy a free lunch after the talk and share your thoughts and ideas with other students who share your passion for sustainability.

When: Monday, November 13, 12-1 p.m.

Where: 1st floor Auditorium, Sustainability Institute Hall

Registration: Registration isn't required, but we encourage it so we can order enough food

Register Here

To request an interpreter, please visit myaccess.rit.edu.

Natalie Surace
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 13, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room/Location: 1st Floor Auditorium

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


creativity and innovation
student experience