Research and Scholarship Committee


Mandate from Policy B02.0

The Research and Scholarship Committee shall formulate, monitor, and review policies and procedures pertaining to research operations and facilities, research regulation and compliance, and infrastructure in support of scholarly activities.  The committee shall also serve as liaison for the Senate with the vice president of Research and with other appropriate administrators and administrative policy bodies of the university.  The committee shall consist of one faculty member per college, each to be elected by their collegial faculty; three members at large elected by the Faculty Senate; one associate dean for Research (or equivalent) selected by the Deans Council; and the vice president for Research or their delegate (ex-officio, voting).

AY2023 RSC Charges:

Carryover Charges

  1. “Human Subjects B05.0” Responsible Party: Per policy CB05.0, review policy C005. [Human Subjects ] Committee Findings: The committee reviewed the current policy, preliminary proposed revisions made by RSC last year, and changes were recommended by Heather Foti, Director of Human Subject Research. The committee approved to move the revised policy forward to the RIT Faculty Senate for consideration.


  1. Consider an IOU/deferral system for first year PhD students’ stipends (e.g., a faculty member has a research grant that would cover the 1st year of study, but not the 2nd, so would like the 1st year of PhD support to be deferred).
  2. Review changes in the policies of Federal Agency and Philanthropic Entities that support academic research and scholarship in regard to their potential impact on University policies and practices around research operations and facilities, research regulation and compliance, and infrastructure in support of scholarly activities.

New Charges

  1. Investigate the necessity of the new policy restricting offsite work of graduate students
  2. Propose/write/provide clarification on a policy or guideline for naming authors on research papers for instances when the publication bodies do not set explicit expectations.


Nathan Eddingsaas

College of Science

Chair AY 2023-2024

At-large representative

2022-2024 (1st term)

Bilge Altay

College of Engineering Technology

2023-2025 (1st Term)

Claudia Bucciferro

College of Liberal Arts

2024-2026 (1st term)

Christopher Collison

College of Science

At-large representative

2023 - 2024* (2nd Term)

Cory Crane

College of Health Sciences and Technology

2024-2026 (1st Term)

Seth Hubbard

College of Science

2023-2025 (1st Term)

Bonnie Jacob

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2023- 2025 (1st Term)

Stephen Jacobs

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2023-2025 (2nd Term)

Cory Merkel

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2023-2025 (1st Term)

Peter Murphey

College of Art and Design

2022-2024 (1st Term)

Ryne Raffaelle


VP for Research

Open Term

Sandra Rothenberg

Saunders College of Business

2024-2025 (1st term)*

Clarence Sheffield Jr

Academic Affairs

2023-2025 (2nd term)

Yosef Zlochower

College of Science

2023 - 2025 (1st term)

At-large Representative