Issued Patents

Patent No. Issue Date Title Inventor(s)
8,747,268 06/10/2014 Gear-Based Continuously Variable Transmission Systems and Methods Thereof George Sutherland
8,751,172 06/10/2014 Microelectromechanical Viscosity Measurement Devices and Methods Thereof Ivan Puchades
Lynn Fuller
8,675,269 03/18/2014 Optical Lift Apparatuses and Methods Thereof Grover A. Swartzlander, Jr.
8,587,664 11/19/2013 Target Identification and Location System and A Method Thereof Donald M. McKeown
Michael J. Richardson
8,580,087 11/12/2013 Self-Regenerating Particulate Trap Systems for Emissions and Methods Thereof Ali Ogut
Cheng Chen
8,581,480 11/12/2013 Self-Regenerating Particulate Trap Systems for Emissions and Methods Thereof Ali Ogut
Cheng Chen
8,582,500 11/12/2013 Methods for Providing an AD HOC Mobile Communication Network and Systems Thereof Nirmala Shenoy
Yamin S. Al-Mousa
John Fischer
8,581,308 11/12/2013 High Temperature Embedded Charge Devices and Methods Thereof Michael D. Potter
8,527,374 09/03/2013 Method and Apparatus for Data Acquisition in an Asset Health Management System Michael G. Thurston
Christopher E. Piggott
8,515,171 08/20/2013 Methods for adaptive and progressive gradient-based multi-resolution color image segmentation and systems thereof Sreenath Rao Vantaram
Sohail Dianat
8,508,522 08/13/2013 Derivative sampled, fast settling time current driver Robert J. Bowman
Chris J. Nassar
8,460,143 06/11/2013 Gear-Based Continuously Variable Transmission Systems and Methods Thereof George Sutherland
8,419,464 04/16/2013 Coaxial connector with integrated molded substrate and method of use thereof Noah Montena
Robert Bowman
Ryan Vaughan
8,414,326 04/09/2013 Internal coaxial cable connector integrated circuit and method of use thereof Robert Bowman
8,376,774 02/19/2013 Power extracting device and method of use thereof Robert Bowman
Jean-Jacques Delisle
8,353,833 01/15/2013 Low-cost Device For C-scan Photoacoustic Imaging Navalgund A. H. K. Rao (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Vikram S. Dogra (University of Rochester)
8,346,039 01/01/2013 Methods for three-dimensional nanofocusing of light and systems thereof Zhaolin LU
Ruoxi YANG
8,283,891 10/09/2012 Power source health assessment methods and systems thereof Omar Anbari
8,285,514 10/09/2012 Sensor fault detection systems and methods thereof Omar Anbari
Michael Thurston
8,277,052 10/02/2012 Aspect-ratio independent, multimedia capture, editing, and presentation systems and methods thereof Ian Gatley
Mitchell Rosen
James Meyer
Robert Clark
Jonathan Schull
Samuel Gatley