Corinna Schlombs Headshot

Corinna Schlombs

Associate Professor

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

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Corinna Schlombs

Associate Professor

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts


Diploma, Bielefeld University (Germany); MA, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania


Research Interests: History of Technology, Social and Cultural History of Computing, Business History and Gender Studies

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Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Schlombs, Corinna. "Built on the Hands of Women: Data, Automation, and Gender in the West German Financial Industry." Technology and Culture 64. 1 (2023): 63-89. Print.
Schlombs, Corinna. "Unerkannte Personen der Computertechnik: Dateneingabe im Bankwesen." Ferrum 91. (2019): 86-92. Print.
Schlombs, Corinna. "The ‘IBM Family’: American Welfare Capitalism, Labor and Gender in Postwar Germany." IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 39. 4 (2017): 12-26. Web.
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Book Chapter
Schlombs, Corinna. "Women, Gender and Computing: The Social Shaping of a Technical Field from Ada Lovelace’s Algorithm to Anita Borg’s ‘Systers’." The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Science: History, Cultures and Practice since 1660. Ed. Claire G. Jones, Alison E. Martin, and Alexis Wolf. London, Great Britain: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022. 307-332. Web.
Schlombs, Corinna. "Women, Gender and Computing: The Social Shaping of a Technical Field from Ada Lovelace’s Algorithm to Anita Borg’s ‘Systers’." The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Science: History, Culture and Practice since 1660. London, Great Britain: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022. 307-332. Print.
Schlombs, Corinna. "Gender is a Corporate Tool." Your Computer Is On Fire. Ed. Thomas S. Mullaney, et al. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021. 159-178. Print.
Full Length Book
Schlombs, Corinna. Productivity Machines: German Appropriations of American Technology from Mass Production to Computer Automation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The internet and cell phones seem to have revolutionized our society, changing how we learn about new things, relate to each other and understand ourselves. This course investigates the history of information and communication technologies to cast new light on these developments. We will ask how people formed political opinions, what ethical concerns new information and communication technologies raised, and how technologies changed the lives of the people using them. This course helps students understand the social, cultural, and ethical implications of revolutionary information and communication technologies.
3 Credits
Popular attention often focuses on a few prominent women in computing history, such as Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, and the ENIAC programmers. But many more women were part of this history: as inventors, programmers, operators, and users of information and communication technologies. Investigating their legacies, we will discuss in this course how computing turned into an increasingly masculine field, what it meant for women and men to work in a male-dominated field, how the gendering of computing technologies and algorithms affected the identities and lives of their users, and how gender intersected online and offline with other dimensions of diversity, such as class, race, and ability. This course provides the theoretical concepts and historical overview that allow for a historically informed discussion of women, gender, sexuality, and computing today.
3 Credits
Popular attention often focuses on a few prominent women in computing history, such as Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, and the ENIAC programmers. But many more women were part of this history: as inventors, programmers, operators, and users of information and communication technologies. Investigating their legacies, we will discuss in this course how computing turned into an increasingly masculine field, what it meant for women and men to work in a male-dominated field, how the gendering of computing technologies and algorithms affected the identities and lives of their users, and how gender intersected online and offline with other dimensions of diversity, such as class, race, and ability. This course provides the theoretical concepts and historical overview that allow for a historically informed discussion of women, gender, sexuality, and computing today.

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