Eric Hittinger Headshot

Eric Hittinger

Department Chair

Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts

Eric Hittinger

Department Chair

Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts


BS, MS, Case Western Reserve University; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University


Eric Hittinger holds a Ph.D. is in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University, and a MS in Macromolecular Science and BS in Polymer Science and Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.

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Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Hittinger, Eric Pareis, Eric. "Emissions effects of energy storage for frequency regulation: Comparing battery and flywheel storage to natural gas." Energies 14. 3 (2021): 549. Print.
Hittinger, Kanwal Shahid, Eric. "Techno-economic optimization of food waste diversion to treatment facilities to determine cost effectiveness of policy incentives." Journal of Cleaner Production 279. (2021): 122634. Print.
Elenes, Simon Sandler, Eric Williams, Eric Hittinger, Alejandro. "The nonlinear shift to renewable microgrids: Phase transitions in electricity systems." International Journal of Energy Research 45. 2 (2021): 3016-3030. Print.
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Book Chapter
Wiser, Martin Junginger, Eric Hittinger, Eric Williams, Ryan. "Onshore wind energy." Technological learning in the transition to a low-carbon energy system. Europe, US: Academic Press, 2020. 87-102. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change.
3 Credits
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change.
3 Credits
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem augmented by readings in the primary literature. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change. The course will culminate in a project based on finding solutions to the real-world problem of climate change. Students will be required to take a leadership role in bridging the multiple disciplines presented
1 - 6 Credits
Independent research in sustainability leading to the completion of the MS thesis. This course requires a formal proposal and a faculty sponsor.
1 - 9 Credits
Research fulfillment of Sustainability Ph.D. dissertation requirements.
3 Credits
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change.
3 Credits
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem augmented by readings in the primary literature. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and interrelated nature of global climate change. The course will culminate in a project based on finding solutions to the real-world problem of climate change. Students will be required to take a leadership role in bridging the multiple disciplines presented.
3 Credits
This course provides students with an introduction to decision science and analysis. The course focuses on several important tools for making good decisions, including decision trees, including forecasting, risk analysis, and multi-attribute decision making. Students will apply these tools to contemporary public policy decision making at the local, state, federal, and international levels.
1 - 6 Credits
The Public Policy Capstone Experience serves as a culminating experience for those MS in Science, Technology and Public Policy students who chose this option in the Public Policy Department. Over the course of the semester, students will have the opportunity to investigate and address contemporary topics in science and technology policy using analytic skills and theoretical knowledge learned over the course of their MS degree.
0 Credits
For students continuing to work on their thesis after taking the required thesis credits, but before the thesis is defended.
3 Credits
This course introduces students to public policy and its role in building a sustainable society. The course places particular emphasis on the policy process; the relationship among technology, policy, and the environment; and policy mechanisms for addressing market and government failures that threaten sustainability.

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