Godys Armengot-Mejia
Senior Lecturer
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
Office Location
Godys Armengot-Mejia
Senior Lecturer
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
BA, Pennsylvania State University; M.Ed., University of Maryland
Currently Teaching
Beginning Spanish II
4 Credits
This course continues the basic grammatical structures, vocabulary and situations of first-year Spanish, with foundation work in all skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, culture). Beginning Spanish II continues work in the past tenses and includes work on the subjunctive mood, plus the future and conditional tenses. Students work on paragraph-length speech and writing, and move toward readiness for conversation and composition.
Intermediate Spanish I
3 Credits
This is the first course in the Intermediate Spanish sequence (second year). Intermediate Spanish I is a course in Conversation, along with grammar review and culture study. Emphasis is on tourist survival situation dialogues, various forms of conversation, and registers of formality. The basic skills learned in the first year courses are now put into practice. Students must take the placement exam if this is their first RIT Spanish class, and they have some prior study of Spanish.
Intermediate Spanish II
3 Credits
This is the second course in the Intermediate Spanish sequence (second year). Intermediate Spanish II is a Composition course, emphasizing grammar review, composition, business-letter writing, Spanish for the Professions, and culture, while also including work in speaking and listening. The basic skills learned in the first year courses are now put into practice. In addition to the language work, there is significant work on cultural topics of Spanish-speaking countries at the intermediate level: both formal and informal culture (the arts and daily behavior). Students must take the placement exam if this is their first RIT Spanish class, and they have some prior study of Spanish.
Spanish for Science and Technology
3 Credits
This course teaches specialized terminology and linguistic structures important for communicating scientific and technological knowledge in Spanish. The focus is on developing students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in interpreting technical Spanish. Students will learn science and technology terms and structures in a broad range of technical areas via experiential learning activities. In addition, students will research and present topics of their own interest or beyond their disciplines. Students will expand their knowledge of Spanish to include technical terms and linguistic structures. This course will better prepare them to apply their language skills in internships, research, and work while exploring and understanding the culture of professional workplaces in the Spanish-speaking world.