Jeannette Mitchell
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts
Office Location
Jeannette Mitchell
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts
BA, Westminster College; Ph.D., University of Utah
Currently Teaching
Principles of Microeconomics
3 Credits
Microeconomics studies the workings of individual markets. That is, it examines the interaction of the demanders of goods and services with the suppliers of those goods and services. It explores how the behavior of consumers (demanders), the behavior of producers (suppliers), and the level of market competition influence market outcomes.
Economics, Ethics, and Society
3 Credits
This course introduces students to an historical overview of economic theories and policies with special emphasis on their ethical perspectives and implications. The course examines the main economic theories including, but not limited to, Classical Economics, Keynesian Macroeconomics, Austrian, and Marxist Economics. The course will also examine the ethical aspects of Capitalism, Feudalism, Socialism, and other economic forms.
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
3 Credits
This course develops the tools that are commonly used to study the allocation of resources in a private enterprise economy. Topics covered include the theory of consumer behavior, cost and production, and alternate market structures.
International Trade and Finance
3 Credits
This course first surveys the sources of comparative advantage. It then analyzes commercial policy and analyzes the welfare economics of trade between countries. Some attention is paid to the institutional aspects of the world trading system. Finally, the course introduces the student to some salient notions in international finance such as national income accounting, the balance of payments, and exchange rates.