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Katie Terezakis


Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

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Katie Terezakis


Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts


BA, Central Connecticut State University and Heidelberg University (Germany); MA, Ph.D., New School for Social Research


Dr. Terezakis received her Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2004 from the New School for Social Research. Her research interests include German Idealism, Critical Theory, Aesthetics, and the Phenomenology of Language. She has published numerous articles and book chapters and is the author of The Immanent Word: The Turn to Language in German Philosophy, 1759–1801 (Routledge, 2007); the editor of Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion (Lexington Books, 2009), and the co-editor, with Jack Sanders, of Lukács’s Soul and Form (with a New Introduction by Judith Butler and an Afterword by Katie Terezakis) (Columbia University Press, 2010).

Most recently, Professor Terezakis received the Provost’s Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award (2018); the Eisenhart Award for Outstanding Teaching (2015); the John William Miller Fellowship (2011); and the Paul A. and Francena L. Miller Fellowship (2010).

Terezakis’s personal web site

Professor Terezakis's Academia page


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Select Scholarship

Invited Paper
Terezakis, Katie. "Where Are We At Home? Revisited." Thesis Eleven. (2022). Web.
Invited Article/Publication
Terezakis, Katie. "Hamann's Critique of Liberalism." Sind noch in der Mache Zur Bedeutung der Rhetorik in Hamann Schriften. (2021). Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "In Memoriam: Agnes Heller." Philosophy of Humor Yearbook. (2020). Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Agnes Heller." Cambridge Habermas Lexicon. (2019). Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "“Logodaedalus”." The Jean-Luc Nancy Dictionary. (2015). Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Syncope." The Jean-Luc Nancy Dictionary. (2015). Print.
Published Review
Terezakis, Katie. "Can Democracy Survive? Review of J.F. Dorahy The Budapest School: Beyond Marxism." Rev. of The Budapest School: Beyond Marxism, by Katie Terezakis. Thesis Eleven 1 Sep. 2021: 179-185. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Review of Lucy Jane Ward, Freedom and Dissatisfaction in the Works of Agnes Heller: With and Against Marx." Rev. of Freedom and Dissatisfaction in the Work of Agnes Heller: With and Against Marx, by Lucy Jane Ward. Thesis Eleven Dec. 2017: na. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Terezakis, Katie. "The Philosophy and Life of Agnes Heller." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. SPEP. online, online. 25 Sep. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "Kant, Hamann, and the Birth of a Romantic Philosophy of Language." The Early Romantic Philosophy of Language Workshop. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. 24 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "Mount Hope as Museum: Oblivion and Critical History." Susan B Anthony House Lecture Series. Susan B Anthony House. Rochester, NY. 20 Nov. 2020. Lecture.
Terezakis, Katie. "On Rortian Realism and Jamesian Rationalism." Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. SAAP. San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 9 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "From Romantic Anti-Capitalism to Radical Liberalism." The Philosophy of Agnes Heller. New School Graduate Faculty. New York, NY. 13 Feb. 2020. Keynote Speech.
Terezakis, Katie. "The Charm of Politics among Kant’s Romantic Critics: Hamann, Jacobi, and Schlegel on Liberty and Illiberalism." American Philosophical Organization. Indian Philosophical Association. New York, NY. 25 Jan. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "Reflection and Social Crisis in Introduction to Philosophy." APA, Inclusiveness in Crisis. American Philosophical Association. Seattle, WA. 15 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "The Persistence of Idealism: John William Miller on Tools, Regulative Ideas, and the Constraints of Immanence." American Philosophical Association. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. Baltimore, MD. 6 Jan. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "Overcoming Kantian Pragmatism: Bernstein, Habermas, and Miller." Thinking the Plural: Richard J. Bernstein's Contribution to American Philosophy. Stony Brook U and Muhlenberg College. Stony Brook, NY. 27 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "The Integrity of Finitude: Existential Reckoning in Fell and in Miller." Colloquium in Honor of Joseph P. Fell. Bucknell University, Williams College. Lewisburg, PA. 6 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Journal Paper
Terezakis, Katie. "The Revival of Romantic Anti-Capitalism on the Right." Critical Horizons 21. 4 (2020): 291-302. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Democracy in Crisis: Looking to the Tools." Dewey Studies 4. 1 (2020): 183-189. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Telling the Truth: History and Personality in the Philosophy of Agnes Heller." Thesis Eleven 125. 1 (2014): 16-31. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "To Philosophize is to Revise or, How German Idealism Became Historical in the Work of One Secluded American Thinker." Culture and Values 12. 4 (2014) Web.
Terezakis, Katie. "Knowledge and Authority in the Metaphysics of John William Miller." The Plurist 7. 2 (2012): 55-76. Print.
Book Chapter
Terezakis, Katie. "Language: J.G. Hamann, Trojan Horse at the Gates of Enlightenment." The Edinburgh Critical History of Christian Theology. Ed. Ed. Daniel Whistler. Edinburgh, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. 339-358. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "A Philosophy of Action with Richard J. Bernstein and John William Miller." Richard J. Bernstein and the Expansion of American Philosophy: Thinking the Plural. Ed. Eds. Marcia Morgan and Megan Craig. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017. 179-196. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "The Integrity of Finitude: Existential Reckoning in the Work of John William Miller." Commonplace Commitments: Thinking through the Legacy of Joseph P. Fell. Ed. Peter S. Fosl, Michael J. McGandy, and Mark D. Moorman. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2016. 213-228. Print.
Zlomislic, Marko. "J.G. Hamann and the Self-Refutation of Radical Orthodoxy." The Poverty of Radical Orthodoxy. Eugene, OR: Pickwick/Wipf and Stock, 2012. Forthcoming. Print.
Anderson, Lisa Marie. "Is Theology Possible After Hamann?" Hamann and the Tradition. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2012. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Living Form and Living Criticism." Georg Lukacs Reconsidered: Essays on Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics. Ed. Michael Thompson. New York: Continuum, 2011. 211-228. Print.
Terezakis, Katie. "Is Theology Possible After Hamann?" Hamann and the Tradition. New York: Northwestern University Press, 2012. 313-323. Print.
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
7/1/2010 - 8/1/2011
     John William Miller Fellowship Fund
     Amount: $45,000

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Philosophy is about the rigorous discussion of big questions, and sometimes small precise questions, that do not have obvious answers. This class is an introduction to philosophical thinking where we learn how to think and talk critically about some of these challenging questions. Such as: Is there a single truth or is truth relative to different people and perspectives? Do we have free will and, if so, how? Do we ever really know anything? What gives life meaning? Is morality objective or subjective, discovered or created? We’ll use historical and contemporary sources to clarify questions like these, to understand the stakes, to discuss possible responses, and to arrive at a more coherent, more philosophically informed, set of answers.
3 Credits
This course examines the origin and development of Western philosophy in ancient Greece from Thales in the 6th century down to at least the 4th century B.C.E., concentrating on the central ideas of the pre-Socratics, the Sophists, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Some attention might also be given to the Hellenistic philosophers (Epicureans, Stoics, and Sceptics). This was a period of remarkable intellectual creativity in philosophy, mathematics, medicine, rhetorical theory, ethics, aesthetics and cosmology. Questions to be considered in this course will include: What are the nature and limits of knowledge? Is knowledge even possible? What is the nature of language? How reliable is perception? What is the true nature of reality? What is the origin and nature of the material world? Is moral knowledge possible? What is the nature of happiness, and what sort of life would make people happy?
3 Credits
This course examines the history of modern philosophy, from Descartes through Kant. It concentrates on the development of modern thought, examining the concepts of mind, body, and causation among others. This period marked the beginning of modern science, with a rich ferment of ideas, and the philosophy of the period is essential to understanding modern science as well as contemporary problems about consciousness, mind/body interaction, causation, and so on. Questions to be considered in this course include the following: What can we know? How do we come to know what we can know? What is the scope and what are the limits of our knowledge? What is the nature of reality? Do we have access to reality? How is causal interaction possible, if at all? Does God exist, and if so, how do we know and what relation does God have to the world?

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