Department of Psychology

  • November 25, 2024

    The blue and yellow flag of Sweden appears in a blue sky.

    International research experience in Sweden seeks to develop the AI-enhanced workplace

    A new National Science Foundation grant will allow 18 RIT students to travel to Sweden and conduct artificial intelligence (AI) research that enhances the industrial workplace. The students will take part in a program of AI research, professional development, and mentorship, which includes eight weeks at University West, near Gothenburg, Sweden.

  • December 6, 2023

    Computer generated image of a man with glasses and layers of images composed on top of his shirt in an artsy way.

    Generative AI is changing education

    Like many fields, the world of academia is wrestling with the challenges and opportunities presented by generative AI tools. While a few K-12 school districts, international universities, and businesses have attempted to ban the use of AI tools, RIT is acknowledging that it’s here to stay and can be used as a force for good.

  • August 21, 2023

    two people looking at a computer monitor displaying a scan of a brain.

    RIT introduces new neuroscience BS program

    RIT is offering a new bachelor’s degree in neuroscience beginning this fall. The Bachelor of Science degree will focus on how the brain works and how to apply that knowledge to develop systems for new frontiers, such as advancing artificial intelligence, combating neurodegenerative diseases, and assisting those with learning disabilities.

  • February 1, 2023

    students wearing eyewear and microphones along with faculty members looking at computer screens.

    Doctoral offerings keep growing

    RIT is growing its Ph.D. offerings, adding one new program in the fall of 2023 and two in 2024. This fall, Saunders College of Business will offer a Ph.D. in business administration. In 2024, the College of Liberal Arts will introduce a new doctoral degree in cognitive science and the College of Science will launch a Ph.D. in physics.

  • January 9, 2023

    a baboon sitting.

    Teaching STEM by playing with primates

    Caroline DeLong, professor and undergraduate program director of psychology, and a team of researchers at RIT and Carnegie Mellon University are exploring the idea of engaging children with STEM skills through the lens of interacting with animals. They are working with a group of olive baboons at Rochester’s Seneca Park Zoo.