Spring Semester 2025
News and Inspiration from the College of Liberal Arts -
Spring Semester 2025
An inside look
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Meet Ancelin Quinones, Dean’s Office, Admin Assistant to the Dean
Favorite music (general style or specific band), podcast, book, or movie:
Alternative rock. I’m usually singing along to Shinedown or Bad Omens in the car.
Shameless brag:
I can parallel park 98% perfectly!
Scariest thing you ever did & would you do it again?
I moved to Rochester from The Bronx. I would absolutely do it again. My life has taken a different route than I originally moved up here for, but I am the person today because of the leap I took. I can’t imagine my life any other way.
Advice for younger you:
Don’t doubt yourself so much. You are stronger than you know.
On your perfect day off, you’re most likely to be found:
Since it's cold right now you would find me at Lamberton Conservatory in Highland Park. Drinking coffee, sitting among all the pretty plants. Watching the quail and tortoises while writing or reading.

March 19, 2025
Eun Sook Kwon, associate professor in the School of Communication, co-authored the study “What drives addiction on social media sites? The relationships between psychological well-being states, social media addiction, brand addiction and impulse buying on social media,” published in Computers in Human Behavior. The research examines how psychological well-being affects social media addiction and consumer behavior. The study was mentioned in The New York Times article “What Does it Take to Quit Shopping?”
March 14, 2025
Evelyn Brister, professor in the Department of Philosophy, presented her book, A Watershed Moment: The American West in the Age of Limits, as part of the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series at Colorado State University’s Warner College of Natural Resources. She also spoke at the Western Places/Western Spaces conference, discussing sustainable community planning.
February 28, 2025
Jeffrey Wagner, professor of economics, and alumnus Michael Dortz published “Raising Rivals’ Costs and Right to Repair Laws: Separating the Sheep from the Goats?” in the Journal of Regulatory Economics. In addition, Wagner and alumni Nick Leary and Michael Zunino published “The Marginal Abatement Cost Function with Secondary Waste Markets” in Ecological Economics.
February 28, 2025
Jonathan Schroeder, the William A. Kern Professor of Communications, presented “Simple! Fast! Modern! Fun! Taking the Road to Success with Midcentury Self-Improvement Records” at Palm Springs Modernism Week, an annual festival highlighting midcentury modern architecture, art, interior design, landscape design, and vintage culture.
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