Peer Navigator

John Stubbings
Major: Political Science
Minor/Immersion: History, International Relations
Hometown: Palmyra, NY
The one thing I have enjoyed the most since arriving at RIT has been the repeated opportunities to meaningfully interact with a variety of Liberal Arts faculty both in and outside the classroom. Time and again, I have encountered educators who are incredibly passionate about the topics of interest to which they have devoted their lives to studying.
The one thing I have enjoyed the most since arriving at RIT has been the repeated opportunities to meaningfully interact with a variety of Liberal Arts faculty both in and outside the classroom. Time and again, I have encountered educators who are incredibly passionate about the topics of interest to which they have devoted their lives to studying.
Even more, I have found that my professors are just as enthusiastic about helping others share in and expand upon those same interests, allowing both student and educator to delve deeper into the concepts we might otherwise only get to fleetingly puzzle over in class. Being in the Political Science program, my professors—such as Professors Banta and Sutton—have thus far provided a healthy balance of challenge and encouragement to motivate me to pose provocative and stimulating questions to both myself and my studies. These connections have broadened my horizons even further than I had previously thought possible, and I feel that I am all the more prepared for my academic and professional futures as a result.
Students sometimes forget about the resources at their disposal as they make their way through college—even I'm guilty of this. That said, your professors are a great place to start since they likely had some of the very same questions at some point in their own academic travels. Never hesitate to start a dialogue—there's no knowing where you might eventually find yourself swept off to.