Peer Navigator

Marica Joseph
Majors: English BS and Production BFA
Immersions: Creative Writing and Film Studies
Anticipated RIT grad year: 2026
Hometown: Mount Vernon, NY
...Seriously just enjoy your time in college, whether it’s a straight road or has a bunch of ups and downs. Not everyone knows what they want to do in life, and it takes time and living that life of yours to figure it out. Coming to RIT, you have a bunch of options.
What do you most enjoy or appreciate about your RIT College of Liberal Arts or your major experience so far?
With the English major being a recent one, it gave me and the rest of the students a better sigh of relief when it came to exploring the curriculum at what I’d like to describe as a “homemade” pace. As the department grows and perfects its craft, so do the students and each experience has and will continue to be valuable. That’s in addition to the staff that makes COLA feel like a small community, and it works to our benefit for making connections and not feeling so alienated with fear of reaching out for assistance. I can’t express how much discovering our Student Services Center pulled me out of the mental void, that’s for sure.
What advice for success and a positive RIT experience would you give to new incoming students?
Explore the different options while they’re available to you so you can leave the campus feeling fulfilled and that all that tuition you’re paying isn’t going to waste. In all seriousness, take it one step at a time.