Peer Navigator

Sabrina Scoccia
Major: Psychology BS
Hometown: Hilton, NY
The family environment that Liberal Arts provides is absolutely amazing. Everyone within the college tries to get involved with their students as best they can and will never turn you away. The events this college provides always go above and beyond anything you would expect, always so fun and welcoming with photo opportunities! The Psychology department does a great job of staying in contact with their students and offering support with coffee hours every few weeks!
My advice for new students for success and a positive RIT experience:
I would tell incoming students to not hesitate to reach out to your advisors, they are always willing to help and will try to accommodate your needs in the best way possible. Along with reaching out to your advisors, attend your professors office hours if you are struggling with the class or want to build a connection with them on a deeper level. Most of the time it's a good thing that the professor knows your name; they want to know who they are teaching and who is sitting in front of them. Knowing your professors and building a connection with them is going to help you in the future when you are looking for classes in the upcoming semesters as well as needing letters of recommendations.