Research Conference on Relational Aggression

The Rochester Institute of Technology College of Liberal Arts and Department of Psychology will be hosting the 8th Research Conference on Relational Aggression on Friday July 15, 2022.


Relational Aggression logoThe core feature of the Research Conference on Relational Aggression is collaboration, both within the conference itself and fostering continued collaboration long after the conference. An important focus of this conference is presenting new and innovative research, as well as tackling current issues and challenges in the field of relational aggression research.

The conference will be held virtually and begin at about 9 a.m. (ET) with a virtual coffee hour and end around 5 p.m. (ET).

Conference Features

The conference will feature a variety of presentations, panels, and opportunities for collaboration. Please click below to learn more.

Oral presentations on new data and projects related to relational aggression will help to foster discussion and to put forth cutting edge research or questions in the field.

A panel will provide helpful insight into their career and scholarship experiences as relational aggression researchers to support professional development and growth for attendees, especially students and early career investigators.

The conference is strategically timed to allow for planning and coordination of submissions for the 2023 Society for Research in Child Development conference. We will have time allocated for breakout sessions to discuss collaborative submissions.

In today’s fast paced world finding ways to convey information quickly can allow us to bring attention to important topics such as relational aggression as well as disseminate research findings both in and outside of academia. This data blitz is an opportunity for graduate students to briefly present and share the research they have been conducting with the larger conference audience.

Conference Organizers: Stephanie Godleski (Rochester Institute of Technology); Sarah Blakely-McClure (Canisius College); Kimberly Kamper-DeMarco (SUNY Buffalo State College)