American Politics Minor
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- American Politics Minor
Overview for American Politics Minor
Study the basic principles and institutions of the American political order and their implications for current political practice. The strengths and limitations of American constitutionalism are emphasized throughout and contemporary political and policy questions facing the country are examined.
Notes about this minor:
- This minor is closed to students majoring in political science.
- Posting of the minor on the student's academic transcript requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the minor.
- Notations may appear in the curriculum chart below outlining pre-requisites, co-requisites, and other curriculum requirements (see footnotes).
- At least nine semester credit hours of the minor must consist of specific courses not required by the student’s degree program.
The plan code for American Politics Minor is AMPOLI-MN.
Curriculum for 2024-2025 for American Politics Minor
Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements
Course | ||
Required Courses | ||
POLS-110 | American Politics |
This course examines the basic principles, themes and institutions of American politics. The course will approach the study of American politics from four interrelated topics: 1) American political values and constitutional foundations; 2) mass politics and political socialization; 3) political institutions; and 4) public policy. Current events will be discussed throughout the course in an effort to promote responsible citizenship. In addition to providing a basic overview of American politics, this course seeks to develop critical thinking, group dynamic and communication skills that are transferrable outside the classroom. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
Electives | ||
Choose four of the following:* | ||
POLS-115 | Ethical Debates Amer Politics |
This course examines past and contemporary political and ethical debates that have shaped, clarified and transformed the meaning of the foundations of the American democratic-republic. At every turn, political and ethical debates in American politics have focused on the meaning of the principles of equality and consent and the moral implications of individual rights. The course will address topics such as the moral foundations of the Founding, the moral character of the Union, the injustice of slavery in a regime dedicated to the principle of equality, justice and the Civil Rights movement, and the progressive critique of the Founding, the rise of the entitlement state and its critiques, as well as current political and ethical controversies. Special attention will be paid to the political speeches of those directly involved in the debates. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer). | ||
POLS-200 | Law & Society |
This course focuses on the relationships between law and other social institutions, and examines the values and interests that are expressed in law and shaped by legal structures and processes. This course takes an explicit interdisciplinary approach to understanding law and is designed for those interested in a critical inquiry of the nature of law within a framework of a broad liberal arts education. Class 3, Credit 3 (F) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-230 | Tech and the Law |
This course investigates developments in law and technology, as well as broader interactions between new technologies, legal development, and social values and principles. We consider ethical and policy implications of new technologies, and the potential and limitations of laws regulating such technologies. Topics include free speech, cyberbullying, privacy, algorithmic bias, and criminal procedure in the digital age. The course will familiarize students with reading legal cases, contemporary scholarly commentary and legislation. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-250 | State & Local Politics |
This course is a study of politics and government on the state and local levels, as well as the relationships between these levels and the federal government. The first focus of the course is on the federal system of government, including the interdependence of the three levels of government. The course continues by examining the state level followed by a focus on local government. A final topic is policy-making, including revenues and expenditures, which again illustrate the interrelationship of the three levels. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-280 | Artificial Intelligence and the Political Good |
This course examines the political promises and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) through the consideration of the technological trajectories and possible scenarios of advanced AI. Possible discussion topics may include: The compatibility of AI with the political principles of liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness to understanding what an AI arms race between countries might entail. Domestically, will the prospect of greater job automation produce mass unemployment with severe consequences? Globally, will the weaponization of AI make going to war easier? Questions like these are inherently political and the movement toward greater AI capabilities raises the more general question of whether humanity will be able to regulate, both domestically and globally, a technology that promises to surpass all technology that has gone before it. This course will seek to anticipate and prepare for the risks that advanced AI poses to domestic and global politics. The goal will be to think about how advanced AI can be prudentially oriented toward beneficial practices for the sake of the political good. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-290 | Politics and the Life Sciences |
This course examines the intersection between political science and the life sciences. The course will examine the biological approach to human behavior, paying special attention to the implications of biological explanations of human behavior for ethics and the so-called natural moral sense, and the foundations of society and political life. Topics to be covered include the biological explanation of ethical choice, law, and international conflict, as well as the political and policy implications of new research in the biological sciences including biotechnology for justice and equality. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-295 | Cyberpolitics |
Innovations in digital communication technologies have the potential to affect many aspects of politics and government. Beyond specific elements such as elections and delivery of government services, these developments have the potential to expand and redefine the nature of political participation and civic engagement, and to alter the structure of political power. This course examines the potential and promise of digital democracy, and attempts to separate hype from reality. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-300 | Rhetoric & Political Deliberation |
Often political deliberation requires reasoning about indeterminate subjects of public import, which do not permit us to arrive at incontestable conclusions. Even where there is compelling evidence the conclusions of political deliberation usually require rhetorical assistance. Rhetoric reflects an appreciation that the simple truth and scientific facts do not suffice in all circumstances, that citizens sometimes have to be persuaded and led through persuasive speeches to reach reasonable decisions in public life. This course examines the role of rhetoric in political deliberation through a consideration of some of the most politically important speeches in American and international politics. The course will also consider the political use of rhetorical devices as well as the differences between deliberative, epideictic and forensic rhetoric. As a writing intensive course, students will practice the writing conventions associated with the discipline and their skills in editing, revising, and reviewing their writing and the writing of their peers. Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). | ||
POLS-305 | Political Parties and Voting |
Political parties are a crucial part of the democratic process, as are elections. Parties and elections serve as a critical link between citizens and their government, as parties and candidates promote policies favored by voters. This course studies parties, their history, their future and their role in the democratic process. Overall emphasis is on the degree to which parties perform or fail to perform as a link between citizens and government. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-310 | The Congress |
This course examines Congress and its constitutional role, paying particular attention to the internal organization of Congress, its legislative process, its budgetary process, its relations with the other branches of government and its role in setting the country’s laws and policies that shape American society. Topics to be covered may include the appointment and removal controversy, congressional oversight, impeachment, war powers and treatymaking, and congressional reform. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-315 | The American Presidency |
This course explores the evolution of the American presidency’s role in the country’s foreign affairs and its influence on American society. In addition, the course examines the question of executive prerogative and the role of the presidency under the constitutional order and its relation to Congress. Among the topics considered are the nomination and election process, the growth of presidential powers, factors in presidential decision-making, and the president’s role in setting the direction of American social policy. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
POLS-320 | American Foreign Policy |
A study of the formulation and execution of American foreign policy, including the examination of the instruments, procedures, and philosophies shaping the development of foreign policy. Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). | ||
POLS-340 | Medicine, Morality, and Law |
This course provides health sciences and other students with a background in the changing face of medical ethics over the last two hundred years. The course combines medical history, historical and contemporary biomedical ethics, philosophy of science, and political theory to create a framework for understanding the complexity and depth of the practitioner/patient relationship. At the end of the course, students will explore and interrogate the way in which the practical, ethical, legal, and political framework of modern American medicine supports or challenges foundational medical principles like patient autonomy and the Hippocratic Oath. Resources include works by William Osler on humanistic medicine as well as other foundational medical thinkers, classic works in bioethics, and historical and narrative accounts of the consequences of medical abuse. Examples of possible texts include archival documents related to the eugenics movement in 20th century America, letters and testimony from survivors of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and contemporary texts and court cases that interrogate the connection between medical practice and human values and meaning. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
POLS-345 | Politics and Public Policy |
A study of the politics of the policy process covering these basic questions: How do public problems get to the agenda of government? How does government formulate policy alternatives? How does government legitimate public policy? How does government implement public policy? How does government evaluate public policy? Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-355 | Political Leadership |
The fundamental proposition of this course is that political leadership makes a crucial difference in the life of a nation. The course will examine how leadership may serve as either a constructive or destructive force in the pursuit of some shared, national goal or purpose. The course will consider a diverse range of leaders and their respective styles and types of leadership. Each leader will be studied in terms of his or her historical context, the means and ends each employed in the pursuit of political goals, and the particular qualities both virtues and vices each embodied as a political leader. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-365 | Anarchy, Technology & Utopia |
This course examines the way in which new technologies challenge and provide alternatives to traditional political structures and functions. The course discusses the moral status of the state through the lens of anarchic political thought, with an emphasis on the concept of consent. Themes of anarchic thought are then discussed in light of how new technologies decentralize power and challenge traditional state goals, such as regulation or state secrecy. Technologies to be discussed include social media platforms and nongovernmental, digital currency, as well as decentralized energy sources like solar and wind. The ethical and moral implications of these new technologies, the harms and benefits they present, and their use as challenges to the moral status of the state are all central themes. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
POLS-380 | Gender and Political Thought |
Discussions of gender reoccur in the works of political thought from antiquity to the present. In focusing on gender and political thought, this course examines the role of gender in shaping and challenging numerous ethical-political frameworks. Possible topics range from the relevance of gender in key texts of political theory and political fiction to the study of feminist perspectives in the subfields of political science, especially political ethics, American politics, international relations theory, and political economy. Other possible topics include the politics of gender in religion, science, violence and war. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
POLS-415 | Evolution and the Law |
This course examines the evolutionary explanation of law. The course will consider the relevance of evolutionary theory to the analysis of law, the roots of the rule of law, the relationship between natural law and common law, as well as the strengths and limitations of the evolutionary approach to specific themes within law, such as property law, family law, criminal law, and civil rights. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
POLS-420 | Primate Politics |
This course examines primate politics, a branch of primatology, and what it can tell us about political life in general and human politics. Students will learn about the basic political structures of the great apes, how they differ, and how an understanding of these primate social structures can help us understand human political behavior. Specific topics include the biological explanations of patriarchy and matriarchy, the biology of dominance structures, and the biology of leadership choice. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
POLS-425 | Constitutional Law |
A study of the Constitution of 1787 and the manner in which it was written. The focus of the course is on the way the people have, through the Constitution, delegated powers and responsibilities of government to the Congress, the President, the Courts and the States. Selected Supreme Court opinions will be considered to shed light on how the Constitution has been read and how thoughtful citizens might read it. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-430 | Constitutional Rights and Liberties |
This course explores the role of Constitutional Rights and Liberties in the American republic and its role in maintaining liberal democratic freedoms. The course places emphasis on the First Amendment, the value of free speech, its limitations, and the ways in which the Supreme Court has balanced interest in free speech against other interests. We also read canonical cases in religious freedoms, Equal Protection and Due Process, and criminal procedure and the rights of the accused. A key objective will be to develop, through writing and discussion, skills involved in effective critical analysis. Since effective critical analysis requires that we understand the ideas we attempt to criticize, we will place at least as much emphasis on trying to clarify the various positions we encounter as we will place on trying to show why we think these positions are right or wrong. This course is designed to introduce students to the challenges and processes behind reading legal cases and the skills tested in traditional law school settings. As such, it serves as an introduction to law school pedagogy. Students will be expected to master ‘case briefing’ and breaking down cases to their component parts, participating in class under the Socratic method, applying case law to hypotheticals, and performing in in-class debates and case presentations. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-435 | American Political Thought |
This course provides an overview of the political and social ideas, concepts and controversies that comprise American political thought since its founding. The course examines principles of liberty, justice, democracy and equality, which have marked the development of the major thinkers and movements that comprise the core of several major contributors to the history of American ideas and development. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-460 | Classical Constitutionalism, Virtue & Law |
This course discusses classical responses to the quest for the best political regime. How should governments be organized? What ethical values motivate this search? What does the design of governments have to do with the character of its citizens? Is there such a thing as a national character or spirit? Is there an ideal constitution that can illuminate political and ethical questions today? This course will examine classical understandings of constitutionalism as the means for encouraging virtue through law, in contrast to modern views that attempt to link the value of liberty to property. We will investigate questions of human nature, justice, ethics, and the good life. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
POLS-465 | Modern Constitutionalism, Liberty & Equality |
This course examines the founding principles of modern constitutionalism and the modern state. Special attention will be paid to the theory and practice of the principles of equality, liberty, and consent. A major effort throughout the course will be made to consider the assessments and prescriptions for modern constitutionalism offered by American and continental political thinkers. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-485 | Politics Through Fiction |
This course explores contemporary issues facing the American and global political order through the lens of fiction. Particular attention will be paid to the grounds of sound political deliberation, the limitations of prudence and the theory and practice of American political principles both home and abroad. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-490 | Politics Through Film |
This course explores the enduring issues facing the American and global political order through the lens of film. Particular attention will be paid to the principles of sound political deliberation, the limitations of political leadership and the theory and practice of American political principles both at home and abroad. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
POLS-525 | Special Topics in Political Science |
Special topics will examine a political theme, issue or problem at an advanced undergraduate level. The subject matter examined will vary from year to year according to the availability of faculty and the interests of students. The course is designed especially for those whose interest in politics goes beyond the requirements of the liberal arts curriculum. (Class 3, Credit 3 (varies) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
* At least two courses must be taken at the 300-level or higher.
Program Contact
College of Liberal Arts, Office of Student Services
Offered within
Department of Political Science
Department of Political Science