Enrollment Process

Families interested in Margaret’s House Early Childhood Programs at RIT are encouraged to navigate to “Request for Info” on this website and provide the information requested.  This is the preferred and most efficient inquiry method. 

After it is submitted, families will receive an email with additional information and an invitation to visit the center.  During the visit, families will meet the director and classroom teachers, tour the facilities, discuss their needs, and learn more about the philosophy and curriculum.

Acceptance to Margaret’s House is an ongoing-process with names being added to a waiting list throughout the year.  A child’s name is officially added when the Waiting Registration form is completed and returned to the office along with the one time non-refundable application fee.

Once a family is on the waiting list, they will be contacted when a space becomes available or during a Waiting List Update.  The Assistant Director contacts all families through email or a phone call periodically.

Enrollment at the center is generally based on the order of the wait list application date with the following priority guidelines in place:

  1. Children of RIT/NTID full-time (or equivalent) students

  2. Siblings of currently enrolled children

  3. Children of Staff and Faculty and Part-time students
    (Matriculated and taking a minimum of 2 courses)

  4. Children of alumni

  5. Children of general community with no college affiliation

The enrollment process is complete when the following criteria are met:

  1. The family has had the opportunity to visit the program.
  2. The waitlist registration form is completed and returned with the non-refundable application fee.
  3. The family has been offered a child care slot.
  4. All forms (including the medical statement, emergency card and child profile) are on file in the main office.
  5. The family has met with the Director or Assistant Director to review and sign the Enrollment Agreement.
  6. The first week's tuition has been paid in full.

Families are required to complete the “Fall Commitment Survey” each spring to hold a child care slot for the next academic year.