Infant/Toddler Program
Primary Caregiving and Continuity of Care
The early childhood educators at Margaret's House understand that children learn best in the context of a warm and secure relationship. This is why we have embraced a Primary Caregiving and Continuity of Care model in all of our infant and toddler classrooms. Your baby will be matched with two teachers at the time of enrollment. Our goal is for your baby to stay with one of these two primary caregivers until preschool to reduce the number of transitions and preserve the attachment relationship that we feel is at the heart of our program. The babies assigned to the same primary caregivers form a small peer group that often stay together throughout their early childhood years.
The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos
"The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that helps teachers and caregivers understand developmentally appropriate practice and how to offer nurturing daily routines and meaningful experiences that meet children's strengths, interests, and needs".
Learn more about The Creative Curriculum®