Our Identity and Logos

Because our visual identity represents the university at the very highest level, it’s vital to our brand. These logos act as a signature, an identifier, and a stamp of quality. And they should always be the most consistent component in our communications.

Identity Assets

The RIT academic brand uses several important logos and marks. Each has a specific role in representing the university. Identity assets must not be manipulated, altered, or modified for use by other entities.

Primary Logo

Our primary identifier is the RIT lettermark. It represents the strength and rigor of our academic offer. It must be present in its original format on all communications. This is the university’s simplest logo and most recognizable mark. It can be used alone when supported by other identity assets or when the audience is well acquainted with the brand.

RIT lockup

University Lockup (Stacked)

The stacked version sets the RIT lettermark and the wordmark in three lines. This more compact configuration may provide more flexibility in placement and scale.

RIT lockup vertical

University Lockup (Horizontal)

This version sets the RIT lettermark and the Rochester Institute of Technology wordmark together in a single line. This is the most common configuration used to identify the brand.


RIT lockup horizontal

Campus Seal

Reserved for official, presidential communications, such as on stationery, and signage. May be used for high-end applications, merchandise and gifts sold in the bookstore, but only with approved vendors. Contact brand@rit.edu for more information. 

RIT Seal

University Seal 

An official RIT seal which as been used since the 1930s in limited capacity. This mark is the official seal of the university diplomas and can not be used in any other capacity without written consent.  Contact lisa.chase@rit.edu for approval. 

Athena Seal

Lockup Colors

The color of the background will determine which version of the lockup to use. Plan your layouts to accommodate using the preferred option. One-color versions of our marks should be used sparingly: only when printing restrictions demand it. Use only the approved logo options.

White Backgrounds (preferred logo colors)

Orange RIT and black Rochester Institute of Technology lockup

Black Backgrounds

Orange RIT and White rochester institute of Technology lockup

Photographic Backgrounds

White lockup with a graphic background

Single-Color Version

Black lockup on white background

Recommended and Minimum Sizes

To aid consistency, we’ve provided a recommended size for reproducing the university lockup. While the media or layout often dictates the proper size for the logo, it’s best for similar collateral to have a consistent logo.

To maintain good legibility, never reproduce the logos smaller than shown here, for print or screen. There is no maximum size limit, but use discretion when sizing the logo. It should never be the most dominant element on the page, but instead should live comfortably and clearly as an identifying mark.

Recommended Sizes

Stacked and horizontal RIT lockups with recommended sizes below

Minimum Sizes

Stacked and horizontal RIT lockups with the minimum sizes

Clear Space

To achieve maximum impact and legibility, clear space must be maintained around the logo lockup. The lockup may be placed onto images, but no other graphic elements, typography, rules, or images should appear inside this clear space.

Use the “R” from the lettermark as a measuring tool to help maintain the proper clearance.

Diagram of how much clear space is required around the stacked and horizontal RIT lockups

Logo Misuses

Here are a few practices to avoid in using the RIT identity. Along with these examples below, the RIT mark should not be altered in anyway.  Adhering to these rules will ensure that our logo is recognizable to all audiences.

Do not change the colors of the logo beyond those provided.

Logo misuse 1

Do not change the colors of the logo beyond those provided.

Logo misuse 2

Do not typeset the university or college name.

Logo misuse 3

Do not add drop shadows or other visual effects to the logo.

Logo misuse 4

Do not rearrange the lettermark's elements.

Logo misuse 5

Do not use elements from the previous identity.

Logo misuse 6

Do not place any of the identity elements on its side or diagonally.

Logo misuse 7

Do not use the logo on complex backgrounds or contrasting color elements.

Logo misuse 8

Extending the Master Brand Lockup

An effective brand architecture is a clear, prioritized system that allows for growth and consistency, and that builds equity in the master brand.

For all units and entities across RIT, including schools, colleges, departments, offices, and divisions, the lockup will always be connected to the RIT lettermark.

RIT Lettermark + Entity

Because of the familiarity of the RIT initials, we don’t use the “Rochester Institute of Technology” wordmark when we extend the master brand lockup to the rest of the university.

Master Brand

This is the singular expression of the university’s mission, brand positioning, and personality. It carries more equity and recognition than any other component of the visual identity.

An example of master brand lockups

Brand Extensions

These are core entities that directly support and further the university’s mission, vision, and positioning. They are always linked with the RIT lettermark, to reinforce and elevate the university’s strength.

College and Degree-Granting Units
  • College of Art and Design
  • Saunders College of Business
  • B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
  • Kate Gleason College of Engineering
  • College of Engineering Technology
  • College of Health Sciences and Technology
  • College of Liberal Arts
  • National Technical Institute for the Deaf
  • College of Science
  • Golisano Institute for Sustainability
  • School of Individualized Study

College of computing and information sciences lockup

Administrative Divisions and Offices
  • Division of Academic Affairs
  • Division of Development and Alumni Relations
  • Division of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Division of Enrollment Management
  • Division of Finance and Administration
  • Division of Government and Community Relations
  • Division of Marketing and Communications
  • Division of Research
  • Division of Student Affairs
  • Office of the President
  • Office of the Provost

Marketing and communications lockup

International Campuses
  • RIT Croatia
  • RIT Dubai
  • RIT Kosovo

RIT croatia lockup

Primary Sub-Brands

Primary sub-brands support and reinforce the university’s mission and vision, relying on the master brand to enhance their individual reputations. They are directly tied to one or more brand extensions, but their reputations may be more closely aligned with the master brand than any brand extension.

Academic Schools and Departments
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Finance and Accounting
  • School of Art
  • School of Design
  • School of Engineering Technology
  • School of International Hospitality and Service Innovation
  • Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition

RIT School of Art lockup

Administrative Offices, Departments, Services, and Initiatives
  • Dining Services
  • Disability Services
  • Housing Operations
  • Human Resources
  • Legal Affairs
  • Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
  • Office of Development
  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Office of the Registrar
  • RIT Graduate School
  • RIT Press

RIT dining services lockup

Academic Centers and Initiatives
  • American Packaging Corporation Center for Packaging Innovation
  • Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
  • Center for Cybersecurity
  • Center for Detectors
  • Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
  • Collaboratory for Resiliency and Recovery
  • English Language Center
  • Innovative Learning Institute
  • MAGIC Center
  • The Simone Center for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Venture Creations
  • The Wallace Library

RIT MAGIC lockup

Secondary Sub-Brands

These entities are directly connected to a primary sub-brand and further expand on the offer of that primary sub-brand.

Academic Centers and Initiatives

Aligned with a single academic school (primary sub-brand), but they rely more on the support of the brand extension for equity and clarity than the primary sub-brand.

  • Exercise Science (part of the CHST Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition)
  • Furniture Design (part of the CAD School of Art)
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management (Saunders College of Business)
  • Packaging Science (College of Engineering Technology)
  • Physics (part of the COS School of Physics and Astronomy)

RIT furniture design lockup

Affiliated, Sponsored, and Endorsed Entities

These entities consist of unique offerings, services, or groups that may be not directly tied to a primary sub-brand. They work to extend the mission of the university to the public through outside organizations not fully operated by the university. At this level, increased flexibility is needed for the lockup.

Affiliated Entities

These are entities that advance the mission and vision of the university, but have their own reach and presence beyond the university, reaching targeted audiences and working toward a specific mission of their own. They may be recognized as individual brands, but benefit from a connection to the university’s master brand.

  • Intercollegiate Athletics
  • RIT Alumni Association

RIT alumni association lockup

Sponsored Entities

Internal- or external-facing student organizations and clubs, initiatives, or events that enhance the university experience. These entities are formally or informally affiliated with the university and may have their own marks or identities.

University-wide events and initiatives must have their identity marks approved by MarCom and must adopt RIT’s fonts and color palette.

  • College Activities Board
  • ImagineRIT
  • NTID Student Congress
  • OUTspoken
  • Reporter Magazine
  • Student Government
Endorsed Entities

These external entities have a strong reputation through a recognizable, individual identity as a stand-alone brand. While their mission and goals are separate from the university, they remain strongly connected, and align with the culture of the master brand. The benefit to both entities is equitable.

  • Rochester Regional Health Alliance

Rochester regional lockup

Multiple lockups used together

  1. Always use horizontal lockups.
  2. Size of type used in the "College of" level should be consistent among used lockups.
  3. Always align lockups to baseline of RIT.
  4. Separating rules align to top and bottom of RIT, are the same size and weight, and have consistent distance between lockups.
Two lockups

Same treatment preferred (i.e., both collapsed lockups or both full lockups)

Collapsed college lockups

Collapsed lockups

Full college lockups with multiple colleges

Full lockups

Mixed treatment is acceptable (i.e., collapsed and full lockup)

Multiple college lockups with mixed collapsed and full lockups

More than two lockups

Depending on available space, three or more lockups use text with separating rules or pipes. Do not place a rule or pipe on the end of a line of text.

Example of more than 2 colleges in a lockup

All colleges in a single RIT lockup

Choosing the Right Lockup

You can use this flow chart to quickly determine which lockup is appropriate to use for a certain entity or situation. A decision tree has been created to identify what logo should be used.


Complex graphic illustrating how to choose the correct lockup for a college.


Complex graphic illustrating how to choose the correct lockup for an event.


Choosing a lockup partner

Spirit Marks

Spirit marks can be used on a wide range of informal materials for prospective students, student groups, intramural teams, alumni organizations, campaigns, events, and merchandise, to communicate and express RIT community.

For athletics logos visit the toolkits section.

University Tiger

3 color RIT roaring tiger

1 color RIT roaring tiger

1 color RIT white roaring tiger

RIT Spirit Lettermark and Paw


3 color


3 color paw


Grayscale RIT paw