News Stories

  • November 9, 2020

    Current RIT COVID-19 Alert Level: Orange: Moderate Risk.

    COVID Update: Alert Level Moves to Orange

    This past weekend we continued to experience a rise of COVID-19. Rates of infection have increased to the point where we must elevate our COVID Alert Level to Orange. This will prompt changes in the way we operate for the remainder of the semester.

  • November 9, 2020

    person holding a printout that lists indicators of stress.

    Red Folder program aims to identify, help students in distress

    A new resource is available at RIT to help faculty and staff find information about common indicators of student distress. Called the “Red Folder,” it offers tips on how to best help a student in distress by providing a decision tree and detailed list of resources on and off campus.

  • November 9, 2020

    professor and students in classroom wearing face masks.

    RIT to increase in-person course offerings for spring semester

    RIT students will have the opportunity to enroll in more than 1,000 in-person courses for spring semester when registration opens today. While course modalities for spring will still include a mix of in-person, blended, and online courses, the number of in-person offerings from fall to spring is increasing by nearly 12 percent.

  • November 6, 2020

    side-by-side portraits of a student and a faculty member.

    Podcast: Native Americans in Higher Education 

    Intersections: The RIT Podcast, Ep. 39: Nicole Scott, director of RIT’s Native American Future Stewards Program, and Abigail Reigner, a second-year mechanical engineering student who is the regional student representative for the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, discuss life as Native Americans in higher education, learning about Native cultures, and some of the unique ways RIT partners with tribal nations and organizations.

  • November 6, 2020

    RIT President Munson wearing a mask and speaking into a microphone in a radio station.

    President Munson live on WITR on Wednesday

    WITR-FM (89.7) will host RIT President David Munson at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11, continuing the “Ask Munson” series that occurs quarterly through the academic year.

  • November 6, 2020

    reception desk in an office area with a sign that reads: RIT Venture Creations Business Incubator.

    RIT Venture Creations business incubator will move to downtown Rochester

    The move, expected to be complete in December, will allow the incubators’ client companies to work in space designed for positive member “collisions” resulting in close and fruitful collaborations. In addition, the move further advances the commitment from RIT leadership to have a presence in downtown Rochester.

  • November 5, 2020

    Color map of the curvature on the large black hole horizon generated by the near merging small black hole.

    New black hole merger simulations could help power next-gen gravitational wave detectors

    Scientists have developed new simulations of black holes with widely varying masses merging that could help power the next generation of gravitational wave detectors. RIT Professor Carlos Lousto and Research Associate James Healy from RIT’s School of Mathematical Sciences outline these record-breaking simulations in a new Physical Review Letters paper.