News Stories

  • February 2, 2024

    college student watching professor looking at a stack of wood lengthwise.

    Students lean into technology and design to improve the environment

    Students in Campus Ecology explored how culture, art, science, and design influence their views and understandings of nature. They also discussed how interdisciplinary collaboration and leaning into the intersection of technology, the arts, and design could improve communication and understanding of ecological concepts and sustainability goals.

  • February 2, 2024

    artist guiding a college student using a pole to rotate molten glass in a hot shop.

    Students embark on ‘bite-sized creative adventures’

    The trial-and-error process of artisan crafts like throwing clay on a pottery wheel or carving a wood sculpture is something that students outside of RIT’s art and design programs may not be familiar with. Through a new program called RIT Art Experience (ArtEx), students from across the university can enjoy hands-on creative exploration with a variety of artistic media ranging from ceramics and wood to molten metal and glass.

  • February 2, 2024

    college student runs a vintage printing press, making a poster that says thinkers, makers, printers in gold ink.

    Maker community fills the new SHED

    RIT’s makerspace capacity has grown exponentially from a crowded room on the fourth floor in an engineering building to three floors in the centrally located SHED. New last fall, the SHED complex showcases different kinds of making and learning under one roof—in workshops, performing arts spaces, and extra-large classrooms designed for active learning.

  • January 30, 2024

    a microfluidic device used for data storage on DNA is sitting on a blue glove covered hand.

    Researcher bridges biology and computing with processing in DNA storage

    An engineering researcher at RIT has discovered the means to process data using DNA. Amlan Ganguly, computer engineering department head in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering, and researchers at the University of Minnesota, designed a microfluidic integrated circuit to perform complex operations through artificial neural network computations on data stored in DNA.