News Stories

  • August 6, 2018

    A headshot of Iris Rivero.

    Iris Rivero named department head in KGCOE

    Iris Rivero, a faculty-researcher at Iowa State University and expert in additive and hybrid manufacturing, was recently named department head of industrial and systems engineering at RIT.
  • August 6, 2018

    Keith Jenkins stands at the front of a room and speaks to three students who sit at desks with their laptops and paper for notes.

    Freshmen get jump on academics

    Sixty-four RIT freshmen are participating in the Division of Diversity and Inclusion Summer Experience, a four-week program that helps prepare first-year students from underrepresented populations for a successful transition to college.

  • August 6, 2018

    Shantinique Cowans sits on her bed in her dorm room, smiling and holding a book open in her lap.

    Housing fund game-changer for graduate

    Shantinique Cowans ’18 was able to live on campus thanks to the M. Forrest and Robert Hurlbut Residence College Fund. Cowans is one example of how students are already benefiting from RIT’s $1 billion blended campaign.
  • August 6, 2018

    Creating Brick City

    A short walk around the Henrietta campus can reveal why “Brick City” has become the trademark of RIT.
  • August 6, 2018

    Brynjar and Brianna pose for a photo shortly after getting engaged. Brynjar holds his fist up in their air, seemingly in triumph.

    Not quite love at first sight for RIT couple

    Brianna Schlitt ’11, ’13 and Brynjar Leifsson ’11, ’13 thought it was love at first sight when they met on the RIT campus in 2009. But they later learned they had attended the same elementary school, shared some of the same teachers and even ate lunch together there.
  • August 6, 2018

    A portrait of Kathy Carcaci.

    Kathy Carcaci named RIT’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year

    One of RIT’s longest serving staff members now has a new title: RIT’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year. Kathy Carcaci ’95, who retired as manager of staff recruitment and a senior human resources representative in January, will accept the award at the Presidents’ Alumni Ball during Brick City Homecoming.
  • August 6, 2018

    Michael Oshetski sits with a student in front of a laptop smiling.

    CEO of optics company senses bright future

    Michael Oshetski ’03 was watching the sun rise from an airport in Hong Kong when he turned to his good friend and coworker, Atul Pradhan, and asked if he wanted to start a company. Eight years later, the company is a multimillion dollar business changing the way the world senses with light.
  • August 6, 2018

    Emily Young poses in the doorway of a lounge in Max Lowenthall building.

    Networking trips expose students to opportunities

    Each spring, Saunders College of Business Honors students spend a week visiting companies in different cities. The trips are funded by RIT Trustee Charles Brown Jr. ’79 and his wife, Renee Brown, and are one example of how students are already benefiting from RIT’s $1 billion blended campaign.
  • August 6, 2018

    Connor Draughn poses for a photo and smiles in front of a large world map.

    Study abroad a highlight for hospitality student

    Connor Draughn wanted to get out of his comfort zone and try something new, so the hospitality and tourism management major decided to spend a semester studying at RIT Croatia. Draughn is one example of how students are already benefiting from RIT’s $1 billion blended campaign.
  • August 6, 2018

    A portrait photo of Brian Hall.

    Brian Hall named RIT’s Outstanding Alumnus of 2018

    Brian Hall ’78 (MBA) will be honored with the Outstanding Alumnus of 2018 award at the Presidents’ Alumni Ball on Oct. 19 during Brick City Homecoming & Family Weekend. The award is the highest honor RIT can bestow upon an alumnus.
  • August 6, 2018

    An aerial view of RIT's entrance in 1966. Much of the landscape is barren because the construction was not yet finished.

    Industrial design blitz celebrates anniversary

    A century-old oak tree that majestically stood at RIT’s Henrietta campus entrance when the first students arrived will be incorporated into the 50th anniversary celebration as part of the T-Minus 151 industrial design project.