News Stories

  • April 3, 2018

    Crowd of people with a banner above saying "imagine RIT".

    2018 Imagine RIT set for April 28

    Kick off the beloved Rochester festival season in the best way imaginable. Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival returns on April 28.
  • April 2, 2018

    Text saying "top news stories of the month".

    Top stories and videos for March

    News about RIT’s ranking among best graduate schools was among most popular last month. Check out all of March’s top stories.
  • April 2, 2018

    side-by-side images of a hand drawn portrait and a book cover for From Lone Mountain.

    Two comic creators to share inspirations

    John Porcellino, author of From Lone Mountain, will do a reading and signing on April 10, and Caitlin Yarsky, artist for the Image Comics series Coyotes, will hold a discussion and signing on April 19.
  • April 2, 2018

    Headshot of Stephen Nigro.

    RIT presents Cary Award to HP executive

    RIT’s College of Imaging Arts and Sciences will present the Melbert B. Cary Jr. Award to Stephen Nigro, president of HP Inc.’s 3D printing business. The award is given to those who have distinguished themselves in the advancement of technology in graphic communications and related industries.
  • March 30, 2018

    Headshot of Chris Coker.

    RIT to host networking event for area veterans

    The program will feature networking opportunities and a keynote address from Chris Coker, owner of Suit Soldier, a company focused on helping veterans gain the skills they need to succeed in their lives after they leave service.
  • March 30, 2018

    Oren Cohn poses for a photo in his RIT Ambulance uniform in front of one of the ambulance vehicles.

    Student earns national recognition for EMS service

    Oren Cohn, RIT Ambulance chief of operations, was honored as EMS Provider of the Year by the National Collegiate EMS Foundation. Cohn was recognized for his leadership role with the all-volunteer campus ambulance team.
  • March 29, 2018

    A selfie of Luis Reyes-Umana in an office at a hospital in Chile.

    Student Spotlight: Studying abroad in Chile

    Meet Luis Reyes-Umana, a fourth-year biomedical science major who traveled to Chile for the fall semester. From July to December, Reyes-Umana took classes and worked in local hospitals to get a taste of what international medicine is like.
  • March 29, 2018

    Two people working on a astronomical imaging system.

    Using cinema technology for space missions

    RIT scientist Zoran Ninkov is developing and testing an astronomical imager inspired by an Oscar-award winning cinema projection system. The RIT astronomical imaging system is competing with other technologies for deployment on future NASA space missions for surveying star and galaxy clusters.