
RIT Performing Arts Faculty and Staff

Erica Haskell
School Director
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Marcy Bacon
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Clarinet)
College of Liberal Arts
Kerfala Bangoura
Adjunct Faculty
Director of African Percussion Ensemble
Susan Boyd
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Strings)
College of Liberal Arts
Ted Canning
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Percussion)
Director of Steelband Ensemble
College of Liberal Arts
Katherine Cheng
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Strings)
College of Liberal Arts
Amy Cochrane
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Voice)
College of Liberal Arts
Laura Conyers
Associate Director, Performing Arts Scholarship Program
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Katherine Duffy
Adjunct Faculty
College of Liberal Arts
Michael Dwyer
Assistant Manager for Operations and Events
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Elliot Emadian
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Christopher Evans
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Natalie Fuller
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Trumpet)
Phil Gutierrez
Production Manager
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Andy Head
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Kelley Holley
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Joel Hunt
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Megan Kamler
Adjunct Faculty
College of Liberal Arts
Joan Kinsella
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Cello)
College of Liberal Arts
Jonathan Kruger
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Paul Leary
Associate Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Hyunmin Lee
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Piano)
College of Liberal Arts
Robert Lewis
Technical Director
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Yuting Liu
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Flute)
College of Liberal Arts
Yi-Ning Lo
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Thatcher Lyman
Adjunct Faculty
Director of RIT Singers
College of Liberal Arts
Yunn-Shan Ma
Associate Professor
Director of RIT Philharmonic Orchestra
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Dane Noble-Rosema
Adjunct Faculty
Collaborative Piano
College of Liberal Arts
Gino Pinzone
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Voice)
College of Liberal Arts
Jason Ricks
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Brass)
College of Liberal Arts
Shannon Rodriqguez
Adjunct Faculty
College of Liberal Arts
Emily Foley
Operations and Marketing Specialist
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Michael Ruhling
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Christopher Ryan
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Alexa Scott-Flaherty
Senior Lecturer
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Uday Singh
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Saxophone)
College of Liberal Arts
E-Na Song
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Piano)
College of Liberal Arts
Robert Truan
Director of RIT Concert Bands
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Ryan Underbakke
Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Robert Varon
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Music Instructor (Guitar)
College of Liberal Arts
Kyle Vock
Director of RIT Jazz Ensembles and Popular Music Collective
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Ben Willmott
Director of Operations and Administration
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts

NTID Performing Arts Faculty and Staff

Erin Auble
Interim Department Chair
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Fred Beam
Coordinator - Sunshine Too
NTID Sunshine 2.0
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Christopher Collins
Adjunct Faculty
Dance Instructor
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Joseph Fox
Marketing Communications Specialist
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Sacha Glasser
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Joseph Hamilton
Stagecraft Manager
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Andy Head
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Emily Haueisen
Senior Staff Assistant
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Marc Holland
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Rosie Mazique
Costume and Props Manager
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Denise Morgan
Senior Staff Specialist
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Eric Moslow
Technical Director
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Julia Nguyen
Adjunct Faculty
Dance Instructor
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Thomas Warfield
Professor of Practice
Director of Dance
NTID Department for Performing Arts
National Technical Institute for the Deaf